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    Definition Essay

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    B5Z3 Eng 102Definition PaperMarch 1, 2002Friendship, defined from Webster’s Dictionary as, the state of being friends, or a friendlyfeeling. Friends, on the other hand, are defined as people whom one knows well and is fond of.

    The second definition states a friend as an ally, supporter, or sympathizer. My personal definitionof what friendship is, is a feeling or emotion expressed in such a way that another feels wantedand important, a relationship between a person or persons where everyone has some companionto talk to when their in need of one. I would define friends as people whom you can have severaltypes of relations with and feel several emotions for that person. Someone that one might go to intime of need. However, friendships differ between people.

    For example, the friendship thatsomeone may have between them and their parents would be different than the friendship theymight have with someone their age. There are many different friendships that people have. Friendships can exist between best friends, friends, lovers, children, parents, siblings, and manymore. All of these differ in some way. Everyone has a best friend.

    Whether it be with a person or an animal. Sometimes peoplewho are lonely find that they have a companionship with their dog or cat. But, mostly whenteenagers are the ones being discussed then they usually have more than one person they can goand talk to. To me a best friend is thought of as a person you tell everything to.

    They know yourdeepest darkest secrets, and you know theirs as well. Depending on how long you all have beenfriends, if it has been a long time then you also probably know everything about them, and theway they think, etc. If you are just friends with someone they may not know exactly everythingabout you and that person may not be the first person you might run to in order to just talk tosomeone, but you could go to them if you had to. The relationship could grow into a best friendrelationship. When you are in a relationship with someone, your lover will become you best friend.

    Most of the time that results because they are usually the ones you talk to the most so eventuallythe two become close and they find themselves expressing their feelings to each other withouteven realizing that they are becoming closer every time. But, if you aren’t married then you stillprobably go to your best friends and tell them everything going on between you and your lover. Parents and children I think fit together on this subject. Parents and children create a greatfriendship over time.

    Throughout a child’s life and especially through their adolescent years,children tend to pull away from their parents making it hard to actually establish a friendship withthem. Teenagers experience knew things that they don’t want their parents to know about or theyjust don’t feel comfortable talking to their parents about it. Parents are the same way. There aresome things that children don’t need know about.

    However, over the years when a child’sparents become unable to take care of themselves, then the children take of them and all theirbills and other things. Children learn to appreciate their parents in life and learn that they can turnto their parents a lot for support. The same goes for being close to their siblings. After all themeanness gets out of them, they realize the greatest friends end up being the people they used tobeat up on as kids. Friendship is a crazy thing. Some people you consider closer than others but overall theirall still great people.

    Friendship is an awesome thing to have with someone. That way you neverfeel alone or unimportant. A friend is someone who will give you strength and help you getthrough the hard times. They stand by your side and take up for you no matter what. Its a greatthing!

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Definition Essay. (2019, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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