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    Fake Friends or True Friends Essay

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    You are lucky if you have many friends, and you win the lottery if all of them are true friends. The quantity is not the major indicator; the main one is quality. True friends and fake friends are different types of people in life. Friendship is a treasure, not all are open to find the right course and reveal the companionship. Let us start considering and investigating what friendship is indeed? What types of friends are? Who are fake friends? Who are true friends?

    What is friendship? Friendship Laws.

    It is true that many things come and go in our life: money, works, and experience. Only people stay with us at any time. More often friends become closer to us rather than relatives. Friendship shows whether people are interesting, important and valuable one another. First and foremost, the main friendship indicators are trust, toleration, mutual understanding and respect, ability to be ready to find the compromise and offer your support, and stand together in any difficult situation. True friendship is much more than just pleasant communication in a genial company. It is even a kind of mystery connection between people.

    Another good thing about friendship is that it is a test for life. By sight, it seems that friendship demands no effort, concern and protection, but conversely in real. In fact, it will never exist without our direct participation, because to treat another is even better than to himself is a great thing. We can safely say that friendship has its own special laws, however strange, too loud or naive it may sound. These life principles are conditions for the friendship existence. In addition, friendship laws should be honored by anyone who wants to have a friend or friends, and who considers himself a true friend.

    Thus, the main four laws can be outlined:

    1. Friendship faith

    You should not require any evidence, hesitations and doubts to accept friendship existence.

    This faith is the foundation, the foundation of true relations between true friends.

    1. Positive qualities accomplishment

    So you decided to be a true friend for someone, then you must develop such positive characters as courage, the strength of mind, strength of will, endurance, and so on. The above-mentioned characters form resistant and integrity personality. Moreover, if someone can become such a personality, it aims that you can trust and be confident of him/her, that is one of the friendship principals in real life.

    1. Help

    Despite any situations, a true friend is simply obliged to come for friend’s rescue, to help in any possible way at any time.

    1. Self- sacrifice

    To value a friend’s life more than yours means self-sacrifice. Apart from this, be ready if your comrade’s life is at stake you will do everything to save him/her.

    Fake friends

    One must admit that to identify who is your fake friends are a tough task in real time, as far as we still dream and consider that people that surround us is like we are. But let return to a real world with all fake friends who is like an actor playing their role and even worth an Oscar. To simplify and save your time below are mentioned 10 characteristics that can help to recognize what types of friends your friend is. Since we are talking first about fake friends, so familiarize with them closer:

    • A fake friend is someone who have no time to listen to you. Only he/sheis talking all the time, looks like a monologue. Such behavior shows his/her attitude; it means you are incurious to him/her.
    • A fake friend suggest you to take incorrect decision, he/she always interferes to find the right solution, do right actions.
    • A fake friend is someone who forget you in case a bad time starts in your life. He/she just disappears till everything works out for the best.
    • A fake friend assert himself/herself on your account.  Never feel happy for your achievements, never praise. Often he/she feels jealous when you talk him about real success.
    • A fake friend is someone who communicates with you only when he/she wants that. You are not interested for him/her.
    • A fake friend constantly makes you agree with opinion he/she announces.Your thoughts are not impressive for him/her.
    • A person always manipulates you.
    • A fake friend is sure about your readiness to come when he/she faces with problems in life and help to solve them.
    • Fake friends are making a list where mention all favors he/she has made in order to use it in a future and show his importance and actions he/she performed.
    • A fake friend can easily promise something and then break his/her promise without any words and evident reasons.

    We all are not perfect and have bad and positive features of character. Be attentive and pay more attention to people who surround you and are willing to become a friend. Check whether any of above-mentioned situations have happened with you and your so-called friend. One should note here that in case 3 points are checked as OK, so this person is a fake friend.

    True friends

    Generally speaking, types of friends that we outlined earlier is the most popular one. A fake friend we have described, so who is a true friend. True friend is a person whom we can trust, who never feels jealous, finds words how to encourage you. It is great when a true friend is present in life even one. You can tell him all secrets and be sure that nobody knows about it. Trust is a valuable bridge in your relationship. A true friend is a good listener and adviser. There is no need to do your best to impress him/her; it is enough just be yourself, show real personality. From time to time he/she calls to you, find an opportunity to communicate despite all business he/she has. True friends are your support. They know all your negative sides but can easily share with you what is on his/her mind.

    Summarizing I would like to admit that types of friends we separate are the most common and simple. True friends are those who are tested over the years and regardless still present in your real life. Fake friends always find subterfuges if you ask for help, in return true friends always find time for you. Jealous is a feeling inherits false friends, true friends are constantly glad for your success. In simple words, true friends are a treasure. Remind this and appreciate them.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Fake Friends or True Friends Essay. (2019, Jan 23). Retrieved from

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