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    Criminal Justice Essay Paper (550 words)

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    Thursday FBI director Louis Freeh arrived in a far eastern Yemeni province and went directly into talks with Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Freeh has praised Yemen for its cooperation in the investigation into the apparent terrorist bombing. The U. S.

    warship was attacked as it arrived to refuel a week ago, killing 17 sailors and injuring 39. Yemeni security officials said today that a search earlier this week of an Aden apartment where bomb-making equipment was found also yielded documents they believe originated in Hadhramaut, an eastern Yemeni province. A vehicle believed used by the attackers also contained documents traced to Hadhramaut, the sources said on condition of anonymity. The landlord of the Aden apartment and a real estate agent who found the apartment for the two men, have been questioned. Yemeni officials, who spoke on condition of secrecy, identified the possible suspects only as non-Yemeni Arabs. Yemeni sources said another team of investigators was going to neighboring Saudi Arabia on today.

    The sources provided no information on the leads that took them there. Many Yemenis from Hadhramaut have settled in Saudi Arabia. Officials believe a small rubber boat packed with explosives was maneuvered next to the Cole by two suicide bombers and then detonated. When I first heard of the bombing of the USS Cole I thought that these people had to be the dumbest mothers on the face of the earth.

    I mean really how dumb do you have to be to mess the biggest and strongest military in the world? If the people who did this did die when they bombed the USS Cole then they had one hell of a reason to do it. Why would two guys want to kill themselves just to bomb a ship? I think that there is something funny going on in the Middle East and that the US needs to take immediate action and just eliminate all of those little problems that we are having over there. I can just picture that crazy Suddam Hussein over there brain washing these people on their camels about how bad Americans are and that they should hate us. Then I wonder why we havent done anything about this jackass. Then it hit me.

    We have had a couple of pusses in the White House for the last eight years. After watching the first Presidential debate I made my mind up to vote for Bush. This man has got one hell of a plan. He wants to pull our military out of all of these foreign parts of the world. He wants them not to be used as world police, but rather to be used as a tool to scare the *censored* out of the rest of the world.

    If Bush were in office right now then the USS Cole wouldnt have even be over on the other side of the world. As for the Yemeni government you have to give them some credit. They are working very well with our FBI on this incident. I wonder why that is. They cant be scared of the US.

    They saw what we let Saddam do to us. He only lost some buildings in his capital nothing that cant be replaced. Aden, Yemen, why the hell is there a need to have our boys in Yemen? Bibliography:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Criminal Justice Essay Paper (550 words). (2019, Jan 16). Retrieved from

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