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    Creep Radiohead music for remenber Essay

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    The band singer Tom Yorker wrote “Creep” while studying at Exeter University in the late sass . Creep” encloses many feelings and stories that make people want to listen the song over and over. Its lyrics can be considered the most deep and depressive message of a man about a woman. During 1992, Radioed improvised the song “Creep” in a recording session. At first, the song was dry in arrangements. Latter on, it became one of the most popular hits of Radioed. According to Yorker, “Creep tells the tale of an inebriated man who tries to get the attention of a woman to whom he is attracted by following her around.

    In the end, he lacks the self-confidence to face her and feels he subconsciously is her”. Yorker always was very introspective with his lyrics and “Creep” was not the exception. Played with four basic chords and repeated them throughout the whole song, this song becomes a bomb of depression while it is playing. The first two verses of “Creep” make an introduction about what is going on with the man who tries to get the attention of the woman. ‘When you were here before, couldn’t look you in the eye, you’re Just like an angel,your skin makes me cry.

    You float like a feather, in a beautiful world, I wish I was special, you’re so very special”. These two verses express an impotence of the man. How can he attract her? He realizes that he is not a handsome man, but he accept that the woman is so beautiful that he describes her as a beautiful and soft feather floating in a beautiful place. Maybe the man was in love, but he knows that he is not enough for the woman. Yorker tried to explain how does it feel when a man cannot be with his true love. The chorus of the song is also very explicit about how the man feels. But I’m a creep, I’m a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here”. By these lines we can infer that he doesn’t feel comfortable in that situation. He denigrates Creep Radioed music for remember By Jose Arturo-Castillo Gonzalez oppression comes out at this part of the song. Maybe Yorker lived a bad experience with love in the past. Through out the lyrics we will find interesting details about this particular song. Some will show the worst face of loving somebody. Others will show suicide feelings that may be part of loving somebody.

    The next two verses shows most part of the message that Yorker tried to put in this song. “l don’t care if it hurts want to have control, I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul. I want you to notice, when I’m not around, you’re so very special, I wish I was special”. At this part of the song, the man wants to be another person. No matter what is goanna happen to him, he is decided to be another person in order to get the woman’s attention. I would be a painful decision, but he will take the risk.

    Another idea about this verses could be that he is decided to confront her and tell her his feelings. Maybe he wont care about the consequences. He wants peaceful in her body and soul. Yorker insisted again in the last two lines of the song that the man wishes to be a special person for her. At last but not least, the song goes to a part that Yorker starts screaming like a man crying. In this part of the song Yorker sings “She’s running out the door… She’s running out… She run, run, run, run… Run” after this emotional moment, we infer that the man finally told to the woman his feelings.

    Maybe she got surprised about what does he told her or maybe he ran away because she is not interested in him. After this part of the song, another verse appears ” Whatever makes you happy, whatever you want, you’re so very special, I wish I was special”. At this moment the man maybe stopped looking for her love. Now he knows that she doesn’t want to be with him. He is now letting her go, but he is also keeping his feelings for her. He keeps wishing to be special for her. This song have been heard since 1992. Some people have found a personal feeling of this song.

    Others have related this song with their memories about heartbreak or impossible loves. The main idea about the song is Yorker’s message. The story about a man that couldn’t bear the impotence of being rejected by a woman. Despite not knowing the answer that she would give, he was in deep depression for not being what she wanted. Johnny Greenwood, guitarist of Radioed, said that the song was in fact a happy song about “recognizing what you are”. Every time that I listen to this song, I always remember who I am, and I also remember some heartbreak and some past loves.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Creep Radiohead music for remenber Essay. (2017, Nov 23). Retrieved from

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