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    COVID-19: mutation from an animals or something else

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    The beginning of 2020 was extraordinary. In the past four months, an original Coronavirus spread around the world. At present, COVID-19 can be accurately defined as a rising human tragedy that affects thousands of people, just like the SARS virus of that year. More than 175 countries have reported cases of COVID-19, a virus that has mutated enough to zoonotic transfer from animals to humans. As more and more states begin to feel the impact of the epidemic, more and more cases and deaths are recorded every day. At present, Italy and Spain have the highest number of deaths, while the United States is in the lead in the number of infections. No one knows what will happen in the future, but what is painful is that it is bound to bring bad influence to all parts of the country.

    I was shocked by the news reported at the beginning of the pandemic, because it reported that its source may be caused by some wild animals (At present, the fountainhead has not been confirmed yet). The news at that time-shifted people’s attention to wildlife. For example, bats may carry a variety of viruses in their bodies. If human prey at will, it will cause the infection on them to spread to humans, thus triggering the result of human-to-human transmission.

    According to reports at that time, people paid attention to the South China Seafood Market in Wuhan, China. Although its name is the seafood market, the trade involves many wild animals, such as guinea pigs, wolf cubs, civets, bamboo rats, and other wild animals. These animals’ predation did not pass any disease inspection and were directly put into densely populated markets.

    In subsequent investigations, it is said that bats may be the host of the Coronavirus, while the animals mentioned above may be the intermediate host. These intermediate hosts were eaten by humans again, so the disease quickly spread to humans, starting the crazy mode of human-to-human transmission. In the beginning, many people would not understand why some people like to eat these animals. Don’t those people have compassion for animals? I think this may involve two reasons.

    First, some people believe that wild animals have some therapeutic effects on diseases. Second, it is rare and expensive, and then curious to taste them. For these people, they do not care about the lives of wild animals, nor do they think about extinction or ecological destruction. They only want to satisfy their appetite. Then why is there such a market? I think it’s because there are a specific consumer group and a particular demand, and then such a market is formed, which leads to the expansion of the supply market and the ruthless killing of wild animals.

    Although there is no exact information on the source of the epidemic, however, according to the current technical report, the similarity between the existing epidemic bacteria and the virus in bats has reached 99%. Therefore, I suspect that the rapid spread of the disease may be partly due to human persecution of wild animals. Without people’s merciless harm to wild animals, it may reduce the spread of some epidemic diseases.

    For me, as an ordinary person who has experienced this epidemic. Although I may not have made any contribution, I think less out and don’t make plague work more trouble is also the good way. At the same time, according to the information report of this epidemic and the previous SARS epidemic, I think we need to protect wild animals instead of killing or even edible at will. This needs to be communicated to future people or families.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    COVID-19: mutation from an animals or something else. (2022, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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