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    Contemporary Poetry And Nature Essay

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    Contemporary poetry and Nature Technically, “Contemporary poetry” is written after the start of the 1920 ‘s, especially poetry Is connected with modern literary genres, such as modernism and post- modernism. Poetry often Involves nature In Its description. Though inspiration as a poet truly derives from within, nature can act as a tool to enhance imagination and devices used In our poetry. Poets have for ages seen nature as a reflection of the human experience. Poets in their writing usually use two devices to relate to nature: personification and analogy.

    Reading modern poems about nature provides a double joy of learning and poetic appreciation. Most modern poets who write about nature are knowledgeable about it. These poets study nature; they don’t merely romanticizes it. And the more they study, the more they seem to discover its uniqueness and preciousness – at a very deep core. The types of relationships that human beings have with nature can be sorted out, though these categories often overlap in actual literature because our relationship with nature, like all human relationships, is complex and multi-faceted.

    But for the sake of analysis, we can look at these relationships between human beings and nature: Man as a part of nature Man apart from nature Man In conflict with nature Man and nature separate but coexistent Man and nature separate and adversarial Nature superior to humanity Nature subordinate to humanity Nature and humanity equals For example, the poem “Daffodils No More”, written by the contemporary copter Gordon J. L. Ramee. This work is a serious parody of an earlier poem Daffodils written by the English poet William Wordsmith in 1804.

    In that poem, Wordsmith wrote of the beauty of wild daffodils and how they Inspired him. He also mentioned seeing large numbers of this plant: “Ten thousand saw I at a glance, tossing their heads In sprightly dance. ” In ‘Daffodils No More’, Gordon J. L. Ramee draws our attention to the fact that the number of wild daffodils in England has declined greatly since Wordsmith’s day. In addition, the abundance of many other organisms, including certain species of birds and butterflies, has also decreased. The author of this poem, Gordon J.

    L. Ramee, holds a Master’s Degree in Ecology from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. The poem was recently published in his Kindle collection of poems The Human Disease. I was amazed by this poem, I think it is worth reading. In my opinion, such loss of local biodiversity is now a common problem throughout much of the world. Many of the declines are the result of drainage projects and extensive conversion of wild lands to agriculture. The author shows the Importance of nature, the connection between people and nature.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Contemporary Poetry And Nature Essay. (2017, Dec 31). Retrieved from

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