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    Comparison Between Pop Music and Classical Music Essay

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    Classical Music versus Pop Music Classical music and popular music are both genres of music that have been in existence for a long time and listened to by the entire populace. Classical music is more complex and appeals to the older population while pop music appeals to the younger population. There are benefits associated with classical music and it is of general opinion that it requires more attention to details than pop music because of its complexity. It is a known fact that music is a form of art whose medium is sound. Its common elements are pitch, rhythm, and dynamics.

    Music helps in soothing ones disturbed soul and helps us to live life to the fullest; therefore, the aim of music is to touch the core of the heart. Classical music and pop music are two of the many different genres of music. Classical music is composed by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. The overall impression of classical music is that it is light, airy, elegant, and well thought out. It is music in which reason prevails over feeling. Composers thought more about creating beautiful and interesting works of music than pouring out their personal feeling in their music.

    Classical period is between 1750 and 1820. This type of music includes opera, chamber music, coral pieces, and music requiring a full orchestra. It is a music rooted in the traditions of western art. Notable of mentioning is Mozart who was considered a musical prodigy and wrote music of highest quality among which is symphony No. 40 in g minor. (Music Listening Today, Charles Hoffer) On the other hand, pop music which evolved out of rock and roll was introduced in the mid 1950’s is modern day music. It is usually understood to be commercially recorded music that is often oriented towards a youth market. www. anstendig. org) Since 1950, pop music has been identified as the music that is accessible to the wildest audience and is often mostly played on the radio. It is often regarded as street music and the artist’s success is based on the market. Unlike classical music, pop music does not require much education and training. It is not usually written, performed, and recorded as a symphony or concerto. The basic form for pop music is the song, which usually consists of verse and repeated chorus. (www. about. com/od/popmusic).

    However, classical music is a complex form of music, which requires high musical skills, and ability to coordinate with other musicians. The performance of classical music demands a significant level of technical mastery on the part of the musician, thorough understanding of tonal and harmonic principles, hence one has to go through proper training before learning this type of music. Today classical music has an elite patronage whereas pop music has more universal appeal. Usually classical music is often perceived as opulent, only appreciated by the upper class.

    Classical music mostly features in pop music forming background music for movies, television program, and advertisement. Because of this, many people unknowingly regularly listen to classical music. The appeal of pop music lies in its simple, energetic rhythm, appealing vocal lines, and its symbolic association with the plight of the underprivileged whereas classical music is a complex form of music requiring musical skills like learning the ragas and ability to coordinate with other musicians while maintaining the complex relationship between its emotional flows. (www. buzzle. com).

    Both classical and pop music in recent times have experimented with electronic instruments such as the synthesizer, electric and digital technique which is the use of computer-generated sounds. In addition, both categories of musicians use the same notes, meters, pitches, and harmonies. Well-known musicians of classical music are Beethoven and George Gershwin while some popular artists of pop music are Britney spears, the beetles, the rolling stone, Abba, and the legendary pop music star Michael Jackson. It is widely known that classical music is beneficial as it reduces stress and anxiety.

    Also early training in children helps develop brain area involved in language and reasoning (www. classicsforkids. com). Generally, music is known to perform many unimaginable wonders because of its healing ability. It helps in forgetting the stressful life events and put one in a positive state of mind therefore both music are beneficial to us. (Ezinearticles. com/expert=Raymond Edeh) Works Cited Hoffer, Charles. “Music Listening Today. ” Clark Baxter (Canada) 2009. www. anstendig. org www. about. com/od/popmusic www. buzzle. com www. classicsforkids. com Ezinearticles. com/expert=Raymond Edeh.

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    Comparison Between Pop Music and Classical Music Essay. (2018, Oct 23). Retrieved from

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