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    Compare And Contrast Star Wars Essay

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    In the images shown in class we can see that the first is about Dorothy being alone in a cornfield with mountains in the background, you see that one day is quite sunny, where she has long hair in pigtails hairstyle braid half ending with a blue ribbon bow shaped, this can represent youth and innocence, is also quiet watching the horizon with a look that expresses hope, joy and a smile that radiates peace, She is wearing a white blouse, smooth, without neckline, short sleeve and above this a sundress blue and white checkered reflecting freshness.

    With the right arm is holding a square basket, woven, brown very clear that she could use to put the corn harvest. The second image shows the Princess Leila in a spaceship hiding from the enemy or searching very carefully for him, her face is serious might even say that expresses a little scare and she is watching something very carefully.

    You can see that she has long hair, hair in two pigtails which cover her ears, she is also wearing a smooth white cotton blouse without neckline and short sleeve, she is holding a gun with both hands and loads of conviction, this image shows a very determined and brave woman that you can trust in difficult times. In the following two images we see that each is accompanied by friends, in completely different situations, Dorothy is accompanied by a lion, a straw man and a man of metal and Leila is accompanied by Han Solo and Luke Sky. Alike that would come to be her brother but she does not know until another Star Wars movies. Dorothy and her friends (Scarecrow, Lion and Tim Woodman) are with a surprised expression, because in that part of the movie they are faced with a wizard that gives a solution for Dorothy to go home. Naming her friends from left to right. Foreground find the lion, the lion is clasping his hands in the form of appreciation and a very grateful smile, a kick Of eyes half open.

    In the next shot we see the Scarecrow, as his eyes see it as peace, because after all they lived portion see a solution and hope to return home Dorothy, the Scarecrow is using a hat, which is common in they also his body is made of straw, we can also see that his nose is a bit redder than usual and his lips are a little small. In third place we see Dorothy as always with a smile and a bit subtle hands gather holding a basket of similarly dressed and groomed than the first photo.

    Going back to the last of her friends, we found the man of metal, who is looking to her with a smile and a little discreet eye full of happiness for her, The metal man is holding an ax in his right hand and touching the tip of the ax. He looks a little rusty and dirty for all you have gone when you are on is immobile and Dorothy would have to put a little oil so he can move. Finally we have the image of Leila with his friend Han Solo and her brother Luke Jaywalker.

    Here we appreciate that Leila and her friends are on a spaceship each holding a weapon, as it waiting to ambush the enemy who would be the clones, on the other hand we can see Leila and Luke has a face of concern for not knowing what they lies ahead, however encounters have a gaze and are delighted to be able to deal With the clones. Here we See Luke and Leila dressed with a white suits where we can see the purity of a Jed Knight, Han Solo is wearing a beige shirt and a black vest, where Leila holds her arm to feel a little more protected because in the vie she is attracted to him.

    In the background we can see one of the walls of the spaceship empire called the Death Star. For my conclusion would like to mention that Lei’s role to follow my ideal woman as she shows a strong woman and quite mature, In my opinion she was born with full of many virtues, to name a few find that it is a woman full of courage, humility, purity, inner and outer beauty as well it is a very wise and insightful woman who can make decisions and know now really difficult, on the other hand she is really loyal and honest with its own people.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Compare And Contrast Star Wars Essay. (2018, May 23). Retrieved from

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