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    Communication Technology (1207 words)

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    With the development of society, people begin to communicate via technology. Some people think it is a invention which let people convenient, while others are against it. They think chatting on the Internet is a fake way to make friends. In fact, online communication is definitely a two-sided technological invention, I will talk about it’s advantage and disadvantage in this essay.

    The first advantage of communicate via technology is that it helps people to establish new relationships with strangers. Due to the complexity of interpersonal relationships, emotional communication in real life is often confined by many factors.communicate though internet could shortens the distance in the world, there is no limit to distance and space, more important is it can ignore the obstacle of individual differences such as differences in social status, the level of different way of life and culture of the age difference, provide equal communication place for people, especially to the introverted and shy people social ability will be weaker provides a social networking site.

    People can make friends and build up friendship by chatting online, communicate use technology can choose different scenes and objects, such as private group chat, video chat and other forms, not limited by the daily life of interpersonal relationship. Besides, the second advantage of communicate technology development is that it is easier to learn and communicate online than in book or some others. When people encounter problems in learning or want to share ideas with others, it is easy to find a group to discuss and get the answer of the question in the communicate via technology room or net friend.

    This kind of online communication is not limited by time and space, at any time to ask questions, there may be a ‘master’ for people to solve learning problems; Students from different schools and countries can communicate the same problem together online without the restriction of school walls.

    This real-time, digital, collaborative learning environment provides an ideal and realistic scenario. Scientific experiments have shown that learners can both remember and understand 70% of what they learn in communicative learning, while independent learning is less than 50%.learning though communicate technology can not only improve the efficiency (Dr.Steven,J,2017), but also contribute to the remember of knowledge.

    And the characteristics of network technology are doomed to be popular and civilian at the beginning, so every individual can become the master of the network, communicate use online is a free and open virtual environment. In this environment, everyone is almost equal, thus creating opportunities for people’s community. In such a unique environment, people can get rid of inferiority, and do not have to hide to show themselves and reshape themselves.

    In communicate use technology environment, still very easy and have common interest, the person of same ideal and interest gathers together, learn from each other to make up for each other’s defect, appreciate each others achievement, let oneself specialty get full play.

    There are more than just benefits to chatting online. As I said, it’s a double-edged sword, so I’m going to suggest some online communicate ‘s disadvantage.

    The first disadvantage of use technology is Internet chat addiction,When people get happier online than they actually are, they naturally spend more time on the Internet, which can lead to an excessive obsession with the Internet, known as ‘Internet addiction5 disorder,’ or IAD. Carbuncle syndrome is one of the five typical symptoms of IAD.Online chat addiction of college students will use a lot of time to seek solace in the communicate via technology, make oneself of the academic, interpersonal relations, are subject to certain economy. ( Zachary Fenell, 2017)

    The impact of, so don’t like to participate in social activities in the real life, with the help of online chat and escape from the problems in real life, the network to form a psychological dependence. Many addicted students have developed the bad habit of surfing the Internet in the middle of the night in high spirits, studying in the daytime but listless, resulting in the decline of physical quality, abnormal mood fluctuations, depression or anxiety, personality alienation, loss of self, in the aspect of behavior may also appear moral barriers, social norms consciousness weakened, behavior out of control. ( Zachary Fenell, 2017)

    The second point is that it is easy to be divorced from reality. The communication environment of communicate use technology may make people get a sense of achievement and satisfaction in life, and even feel the maximization of their own value and the ultimate care from others.

    Over time, this can lead some students to be more negative about the flawed real world. We can often see that some students are interested in the computer, but in the face of the surrounding peoples are as cold as ice; Far from the horizon has not met the net friend show great enthusiasm, and the difficulties of the students around the disdain.

    They do not care about the group, do not care about others, the time and enthusiasm all turned to the network.This will only make them more detached from the real world and form a detached and incomplete interpersonal relationship model.’Perhaps it should be said that the computer world provides a peaceful place for people who cannot adapt to human society. However, if people wallow in this world, people will be more ill-adapted to the real world.’

    Third disadvantage is that the virtual nature of the network. Such as the communicate via technology caused by fraud and extortion, .communicate via technology is more through the dry character exchange, although some can see the other side’s appearance, hear the other side’s voice, but there is no way to understand each ether’s age, marriage, occupation, identity, quality, and the Internet users will idealize each other, so credulous each other.

    In recent years, making friends and weaving lies to gain the trust of people, cheating money and other illegal activity of the relevant network crimes, cheating incidents occurred repeatedly, seriously affect the physical and mental health and academic development of college students.

    The first method is to strengthen the Civilization education of the people and students. Information literacy education should be carried out in a variety of ways, including information awareness, Information recognition ability and information processing information means and information ethics.

    In particular, we should pay attention to the education of college students’ ability to distinguish, choose and analyze network information, improve their critical thinking ability of network information, and use some specific examples to explain question.

    Another point is that the government strengthen management of the Internet at present, the number of major websites daily chat are no less than tens of thousands of people. The society should call on the website in the technology, the personnel team construction attaches importance to the construction of the chat environment. The bad language pictures and false information should be forbid. Users who intentionally disturb order or harm others should be traced and held responsibility

    Communicate though technology has brought us a lot of benefits but at the same time it has undoubtedly brought us a lot of disadvantages. Technological progress has been a double-edged sword. Only when people use it correctly and make improve continually,we can change our online society better.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Communication Technology (1207 words). (2021, Sep 16). Retrieved from

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