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    communicate informative speech outline Essay

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    communicate informative speech outline BY lvd10 Steve Jobs: Modern Genius Topic: Steve Jobs Organization: Chronological Specific Purpose: To get the audience to understand Steve Jobs as a person and as the influential man he was. l. INTRODUCTION A. Attention getter: Alright everyone, I know it is against the rules but pull out your phones from your pocket… chances are it is an iPhone if not maybe an android, or as I like to call them, iPhone-wannabes, today I am going to be talking about the man behind the iPhone and all of the Apple products we have come to love and use every ay, Steve Jobs.

    B. Relevance: Steve Jobs is the reason we have the things like ‘Pods, iPads, and the iPhone. Everyone that likes Apple products should at least care to listen about the man behind this generation. C. Credibility statement: I have always loved Apple products and been inspired by the genius and entrepreneurship of Steve Jobs and have done extensive research on him to present to you today. D. Central idea: My Job here today is to inform you about the modern genius that was Steve Jobs, and his company. E. Initial preview: I am going to do this by discussing

    Steve Jobs life before Apple, inform the class about his company Apple, then finally talk about his untimely death. Transition to 1st main point: First, let’s talk about Steve Jobs as the person before the fame and wealth. II. Body A. Point #1: Steve Jobs’ life A. l . Stephen Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. A. 2. And was put up for adoption by his biological parents. A. 3. According to allaboutsteve]obs. com He never really cared for school. In fact he dropped out of college after one semester. Then moved into a hippie commune. A. . A few months later after doing a lot of LSD, Steve returned to California to look for a Job. He was hired at the video game company Atari. A. 5. He then began experimenting with his childhood friend Stephen Wozniak, the most important person in his life. Transition to 2nd main point: It is Because of Wozniak that we can began on our second point, and how Steve Jobs’ started the company Apple. B. Point #2: Apple as company 8. 1 . Bio. com said Wozniak began making personal computers and Jobs saw the economic opportunities in this new personal computing technology.

    They began aking computers in Steve Jobs’ garage and Steve finally in 1976 made Woz start a company called Apple. 8. 2. Steve flourished as a entrepreneur and salesman when pitching Wozs computing technologies. 8. 3. Jobs made many invested interest Apple computers went public and Jobs made 200 million dollars overnight. 8. 5. In 1985, Jobs resigned as Apple’s CEO to begin a new company because the president of Apple didn’t like where he was going with the company. 8. 6. Jobs didn’t come back till 1996. 8. 7. The first iPod born in 2001, changed the world of music and ease of access. 8. Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone to the world in 2007. And the rest of Apple was history. 8. 9. In 2011, however, Steve Jobs was forced to resign as CEO of Apple due to illness. Transition to 3rd main point: We will now talk about Steves illness and his battle with cancer. C. Point #3: Cancer and Death C. I . Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003. C. 2. According to ABC news Jobs opted for natural eastern ways of changing his diet and lifestyle. However gave in to surgery after nine months to remove the cancer causing tumor. C. 3.

    In 2009 he was forced to get a liver transplant. C. 4. It was often noted during the years of his weight loss and unhealthy appearance, although Jobs never seemed to want to publicly admit to his struggles. C. 5. Steve Jobs died due to complications in Oct 5 2011, at the age of 56. C. 6. True cause of death was never disclosed. Ill. Conclusion A. Transition to Conclusion: Even in death we honor Jobs by using our iPhones every day. Jobs was a visionary, a man truly worth mentioning, he collaborated in making todays many devices that millions of people use today.

    He fought long and hard with ancer and his legacy shall forever be remembered in history. B. Restate central idea: To inform the class about the modern genius that was Steve Jobs, and his company. C. Final summary: We’ve discussed Steve Jobs as a person before Apple, his role in his company Apple and then finally talked about his untimely death. D. Memorable closing: Lastly I’d Just like to say that whenever you’re at home tonight checking twitter, texting, using snapchat, or posting pictures of your food on Instagram remember that if it wasn’t for Steve Jobs this modern life might have been a lot ifferent.

    References Moisescot, Romain. “The Return to Apple. ” All about Steve Jobs. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 0 2013 A+E Networks. All Rights Reserved. “Steve Jobs Biography. ” Bio. com. A&E Networks Television, n. d. Web. 05 Nov. 2013. http://www. biography. com/people/ steve-J0bs-9354805 NPR. “Jobs’ Biography: Thoughts On Life, Death And Apple. ” N. p. , 25 Oct. 2011. Web. and-apple Stern, Joanna. “Steve Jobs Died Two Years Ago Today. ” ABC. N. p. , 5 Oct. 2013. Web. http://abcnews. go. comnechnology/steve-]obs-today-marks-years-apple-chief-died/

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