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    The Impact of Claudia Rankine’s Citizen and Zora Neale

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    What is your first thought about these two writings For the case of Claudia Rankine, the Citizen comes out as a touching, reflective and makes one as a reader to empathize with the feelings that are expressed in the second person but with emotive impact to the reader. It is hard to tell what the author is about in the first set , however, as the novel progresses, the reality of racism existing in society sets in and a reader, the feeling of second persons are taken in the imagination, more a victim.

    In My Most Humiliating Jim Crow Experience by Zora Neale Hurston, the narrator is introduced to a specialist physician by a friend after developing some illness of the digestive tract. The narrator is assured of the best outcome from the referral physician. At first, as a reader, it makes one feel that the narrator will recover and get the best of care. The narrator had been prepared psychologically of the best care which in itself is therapeutic. What do you understand from Claudia Rankine’s Message Claudia Rankine message revolves around the issue of identity in a multicultural society like the United State of America. The message is that the identity of a person is far much influenced with history and societal constructs. Many individuals are judged by their history in the society, even the social status of an individual is derived from the history of the individual. However, what matters according to Claudia is the identity defined by self, not society. Identify and review one sentence from the reading “Memory is a tough place. You were there.” (Rankine, 2014) This sentence implies the impact of life experience and history to people. It is on the memory, the experience, and historical injustices that racism takes root.

    What do you understand from Zora Neale Hurston’s message The message by Zora Neale Hurston is that human beings are not just physical but psychological. They have emotions, they are influenced with the environmental cues and for the case of illness, it is not just the medication that matter but also the environment, the rapport, and the reception were given. It there needs a holistic approach for a physician to impact on the health of a patient. Identify and review one sentence from the reading ‘I got up, set my hat at a reckless angle and walked out, telling him that I would send him a check, which I never did.’ (Rothman, p.936) This statement is by the narrator and shows a disgruntled patient. The services given were not worth the payment. It implies that the holistic approach is the only means of imparting to a patient and make them get worth of their hard earned money.


    1. Rankine, C. (2014). Citizen: An American Lyric. Gray wolf Press.
    2. Rothman, D. J. (2000). Medicine and western civilization. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Univ. Press.

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    The Impact of Claudia Rankine’s Citizen and Zora Neale. (2021, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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