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    Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Essay

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    It could be traced back to more than 8,000 years ago. Mainly it is based on Chinese characters, following some laws to express the personality, emotion or style of the calligrapher. It can even reflect the mind of the calligrapher. Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting are regarded as the top of Chinese fine arts, leading other art categories. The relationship between Chinese calligraphy and traditional Chinese painting is very close. Especially after the advent of literati (or scholar) painting in Song and Yuan dynasties, painter laid stress on blending calligraphic skills to painting.

    This was because the theory of handling a brush is alike with both ink freestyle painting and running hand and cursive style of calligraphy. The purpose of writing Chinese calligraphy and painting is to know more about their relationship and how they influence people, Chinese scroll painting (Juan Chou huh) is mean that after the calligraphy or traditional Chinese painting after mounting as hanging wall scroll, or it could also defined as Chinese calligraphy scrolls or Chinese Scrolls in total.

    By the size, form and the content, Chinese scroll painting basically include vertically-hang scroll Ciao if), horizontally-hang scroll (hang pi), long horizontal scroll (Shush Juan), or an album of paintings (CE ye). And the most common forms are Chinese vertical wall scroll (tiff) and Chinese horizontal wall scroll (hang pi). 3. 1. Types of Chinese Scroll Painting Chinese scroll painting (tofu) has been classified in three different types. One-color style scroll Two-color style scroll * Three-color style scroll Take Chinese Vertical Hanging Scroll Painting (auto) as an example.

    From top to bottom, tofu includes upper rod (titan gang), upper border (titan tout), the painting itself (huh Kin), lower border (did too), lower rod (did gang), and knobs (Chou tout). Generally the upper border is wider than the lower one, 3. 2, procedures of Chinese Scroll Mounting The procedures of Chinese wall scroll mounting including firstly pasting one or few sheets of paper at the back of the calligraphy or painting, this process can give it a smooth appearance also for reinforcing.

    Secondly, silk brocade of suitable color is pasted all around the calligraphy or painting to form the borders. Lastly, two sticks are mounted inside at left and right side, this is for the horizontal scroll, attached with ribbons for hanging. However, if the mounted work is vertical, Which is the height longer than the Width, basically mounted fixes a wooden rod to the bottom of the mounted work. This serves as the weight to hold the calligraphy or painting in place when hung up, and also helps to roll it up.

    At the top, there is another stick that is smaller in size than the wooden rod is mounted inside, also attached with ribbons. 3. 3. Reminder of displaying Chinese Scroll Paintings Since the traditional Chinese calligraphy or painting is performed on Guan paper or silk fabrics, it is very easy to bringing on worm and broken if they have been pet tort a long time, unless they are well displayed. Furthermore, they cannot stand damp and dry. Therefore, it is necessary to study some knowledge about the protection of the Chinese calligraphy or painting scrolls.

    The basic knowledge of protecting of Chinese Wall Scrolls is as follow: Calligraphy or painting scrolls cannot be hung on the wall whenever they are wet or smeary. K Never overexert while rolling up the calligraphy or painting that were scroll mounted, roll slowly and gently, in order to avoid causing ridges or cracks. * No smoking while appreciating or taking down calligraphy or minting wall scroll. * Certain temperature, humidity and airiness are required in calligraphy or painting.

    If they are put in on easel or in bookcase, they must have been distanced between the ground over 20 inches. Take the calligraphy or painting scroll to dry them in the air when the weather is tends to dry, which is autumn. * Quickly hang the calligraphy or painting wall scrolls in a draughty place and avoiding direct sunlight if they were found moldy. Use duster to whisk them if it is only slight moldy, While if the mold is serious, the calligraphy or painting would need to be re-mount. 3. Paper In China, paper is one of the most illustrious inventions.

    It is always made from parts of the rice plant, for example rice straw or ice flour. Chinese calligraphy or painting on Guan paper which is well known for being soft and fine textured, it is suitable for expressing the artistic expression for both Chinese calligraphy and painting. In the ancient times, Guan paper is very light and thin; therefore, it can easily absorb the ink. At around 105 AD, a Chinese named CIA Lund invented paper, it replaced the traditional bamboo slips and silk. Around seven hundred years later, the paper making technology was absorbed by Islamic_ countries.

    It is widely accepted that paper was invented by CIA Lund in the Eastern Han, However, the archaeologists have discovered paper of Western Han, for instance, “Pang-ma-tan” paper, “Baa-aqua” paper, *Guan-guan” paper, ‘Wa-guan-wan” paper, “Jug-yang” paper and “Han-tan-pop”paper. When the Eastern Jinn Dynasty was over, paper was widely used instead of traditional writing materials. Different kinds of methods of producing paper came out one after another. During the Tang and Song Dynasty, the paper producing industry was very well developed. Celebrated products in the best quality emerged on after another.

    In the King ‘Guan-chi” produced in Jinn Prefecture of Inhuman (Guan Chou), became the special paper for painting and calligraphy, and was named as “the king of the paper’ by people afterwards. 44 Selecting Paper for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Chinese people use a special kind of paper while doing calligraphy and painting. The reason why is because of the natures of the brush and ink. Only Chuan Paper, Mien Paper, and Mao Been Paper are suitable for Chinese calligraphy and painting. Paper for drawing, printing and watercolors will not be perfectly compatible with the Chinese ink.

    Chuan paper (Rice paper in English speaking countries) The best paper for Chinese calligraphy and painting is called Guan paper or Chuan Paper, it is also mistakenly being called Rice Paper in the West. They are of course not made of rice at all. Too certain extent, it is quite expensive for learners to do practicing on Chuan Paper. It is because Chuan Paper absorbs ink quickly, it is suitable for ink absorbency and brush motion in various speeds, its high quality feature makes it the perfect choice for quality Chinese calligraphy and painting. A Chinese painting that is not mounted could not be framed or hung directly.

    The Chinese painting should be mounted on a hanging scroll in order to have a rotational graceful appearance. It could be also framed it With wood in order to protect it much better from the dust and dampness. 5. 6. Significance of mounting Chinese painting or calligraphy Because of the traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy are manly performed on the Rice paper (Guan Paper) or silk, that is soft and think and is easily broken if it has been stored for a long time, the ancients of China has invented mounting, that is good for preservation and appreciation.

    Basically, the Newton painting or calligraphy are needed to be stowed away for some time, in order to let the ink and napkin could dry out naturally, but it does not take a long time stow, it is because Guan paper absorbs ink, color and glue, it will ridge when it is dry. So the painting and calligraphy should be mounted in time. If it is not mounted, long time later when comparing to its original form, the excellence of the painting or calligraphy would be impaired. The painting or calligraphy which is not mounted, that is not well preserved before mounting. TTS medium will be broken off soon from the crease if it is damaged, polluted and disclosure by carelessness. Then it tends to incur Worm, hidden trouble for future Storage Will hen arise. Therefore, in order to keep the paintings and calligraphy for long time, in addition for the convenience Of appreciation, handing down and storage, it is very important to well preserve them before mounting, then mounting them. 5. 7. Framed with Wood Chinese mounting helps to restore the intention and spirit of the artists to a bright and vivid look.

    Paintings and calligraphy usually are firstly needed to mount on a silk brocade when framing with wood, This generally will take four to seven days in out gallery to end up the mounting process for the professional monument, 5,8, Mount it your own The painting and calligraphy will get creases, tears or even accelerated aging if they are not preserved by mounting or they are not framed. However, there are ways to mount it your own, The procedures are as follows: k Since the painting and calligraphy itself could not directly be stacked to the wall or wood panel, you can use two or more plastic clips to hang the painting.

    Remember carefully keep the painting open and flat, and also protect the painting in case of it was torn by the bind_ * use a little sprinkling can, evenly spray the whole painting until is just wet. Because of the Chinese painting ND calligraphy are done on Guan Paper, which is made Of many plant fibers. Water, ink and color can be well absorbed. Therefore, after the painting soaks up water, the folded or wrinkled paper Will become even and smooth, and all the fold Will disappear.

    Lastly, leave the painting to the air dry completely, remember not to use a hair dryer or any Other drying methods, and just let the painting dries naturally itself, then you can operate other display methods on the Chinese painting or calligraphy (mounting or framing). 5. Inscription Painting, poetry and calligraphy are the Three Perfections that intimately unconnected in the minds of educated Chinese, The simplest inscription includes the name of the artist, then followed by his or her personal seal or seals.

    The artist may also add a date, even the name of the person for whom the picture was painted, a note on the occasion, and the style he or she has chosen to paint in, in addition, the inscriptions may explore the region of philosophy and metaphysics, history of art and the criticism of art, also may reveal more about the private life of the artist and his or her relationships between their friends and patrons. This kind of inscription could turn an ordinary painting in to a very human document.

    The Chinese view off picture is not as complete artistic statement in itself, but as a living body, imaginative, literary, historical, personal, that grows With time, putting on meaning, commentary and association With the years. Chinese painting and calligraphy have a long history. As a Chinese, we should know more about the culture of painting and calligraphy and spread the spirit to our descendants. We know that every procedure in mounting is important and no error is permitted. And the reminders of displaying Chinese scroll painting s very useful, we have learnt how to protect our painting carefully in order to prevent them from damages.

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    Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Essay. (2018, Jun 17). Retrieved from

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