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    Child Labour and in Impoverished Society Essay

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    Child Labour and in Impoverished SocietyNearly 30% of population in poor countries are poorest of poor who are not even able to earn enough for one day food with big family have to largely depend on children to earn and feed. Parents of these children are mainly illiterate or semi literate are unable to find jobs, which can provide enough salary. Dream of education to children is impossible unless suitable employment opportunities made available to at least one person in the family.

    Simply by opening schools and providing books are not sufficient measures. We need to understand the reason behind child labour that is poverty and unemployment. Minimizing poverty and creation of more and more suitable jobs to parents are the only solution of eradication of majority of child labour problem. Some percentage of child labour comes from brutality/ harassments by parents or stepparents. They are mainly from urban areas of lower middle-income group.

    This percentage is too less and easily controllable by penalties to such parents and children rights. But rural poverty and lack of employment or partial employment and illiteracy has given birth to majority of child labour problem. Our understanding should be little more practical as no parents want their children work at the age when children are to study and play. System of child labour prevails in the countries, which are poor or underdeveloped.

    Nearly 70% of world’s poor live in Asia alone and major contribution made by China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. Where 70% of populations live in rural areas have main employment in agriculture and small and cottage industries. Major percentage is illiterate or semi literate. In India alone around 45% of total thick. .

    ter source of employment. · Identify the parents whose children are involved and make arrangement of provision of jobs to them. · To scrutinize if minimum salary and social security structure is followed or not by employers. · Emphasis should be made for improving demand of crafts products, which consumes more employment than the modern industries. Modernization of industries should not mean unemployment. Industries and respective Governments have forgotten the real objective of trade and industrialization.

    Rather objective of trade and industrialization should employment, uplifting standard of living and eradication of poverty. · Discourage over population, which is rather killing the world. Lack of education in these countries main reason for NGO’s should come with the ideas to encourage countries to introduce incentive and disincentives for smaller family.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Child Labour and in Impoverished Society Essay. (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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