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    Chil Obesity Essay (592 words)

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    Research Topic: Obesity in ChildrenPreliminary PlanREAL SUBJECTFinding a solution for the commonness of childhood obesity in the United States. AUDIENCEConcerned parents?PERSONAA deictic freshman student, concerned citizen, who has extensively learned about the problem.

    PURPOSETo propose a solution for the commonness of childhood obesity in the United States by researching and analyzing the problem through the Problem Solving Method. THESISAn effective solution for the commonness of obesity in the United States must be found. Preliminary Sentence OutlineTHESISAn effective solution for the commonness of obesity in the United States must be found. I. The commonness of childhood obesity in the United States has increased dramatically over he past decade. A.

    Children are heavier today than the past decade and this phenomenon cannot be explained by genetics. B. Obese children growth, physical health, and emotional development will be different than other children and will have a high potential of being obese adults. C.

    An obese child will have a high potential of being obese adults. II. The commonness of childhood obesity comes from the lack of activity of children watching television and/or playing video games while snacking on unhealthy treats. A.

    The problem has been noticeably increasing over the past three decades. B. The cause of the problem is linked to inactivity of the child and the child’s consumption of high fat, sugar, and salt foods. C. I need to do more research on the solutions that have been tried.

    III. Three alternate solutions for this problem can be considered. A. We can teach nutrition and fitness classes starting at a young age in elementary.

    B. We can give informational pantfilts to the children to take home to their parentsC. We can get teachers involved and call parents when they are concerned about the weight of a child. IV.

    A. We can teach nutrition and fitness classes starting at a young age in elementary.1.Feasibility- Getting the government involved is a timely affair, but feasible.2.Economics- I need to do more research.3.Availability of Resources- The money will be have to be from government taxes or government educational funds.4.Implementation- The government has the compatibilities necessary to carry out the solution.5.Risk Involved- The greatest risk is rejection from the public to use tax money to teach nutritional classes to elementary students.6.Contribution of Solution- The solution will give way to healthier children in our society.B.We can give informational pantfilts to the children to take home to their parents.1.Feasibility- Getting the government involved is a timely affair, but feasible.2.Economics- I need to do more research.3.Availability of Resources- The money will be have to be from government taxes or government educational funds.4.Implementation- The government has the compatibilities necessary to carry out the solution.5.Risk Involved- The greatest risk is rejection from the public to use tax money to teach nutritional classes to elementary students.6.Contribution of Solution- The solution will give way to healthier children in our societyC.We can get teachers involved and call parents when they are concerned about the weight of the children.1.Feasibility- Getting the government involved is a timely affair, but feasible.2.Economics- I need to do more research.3.Availability of Resources- The money will be have to be from government taxes or government educational funds.4.Implementation- The government has the compatibilities necessary to carry out the solution.5.Risk Involved- The greatest risk is rejection from the public to use tax money to teach nutritional classes to elementary students.6.Contribution of Solution- The solution will give way to healthier children in our society

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    Chil Obesity Essay (592 words). (2019, Feb 04). Retrieved from

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