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    Chemical Engineer Essay Updated

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    Chemical EngineerThe chemical engineer is an invaluable link between scientific principles and manufacturing realities.

    Itinvolves the use of chemical, physical, and engineering principles. The scientist in a laboratory does basic research to develop new compounds and processes. When thescientist discovers a product that may be useful, the chemical engineer takes over. They adapt theproduct for big scale manufacturing. They do this by designing a plant to produce the item on largescale.

    Thus the engineer is the link between the laboratory and commercial production. The chemicalengineer’s earnings depend on several factors. Their educational background dictates much of whatthe engineer will earn. Also, experience and the location of the employer will make a very bigdifference. The starting salary for a chemical engineer with a Bachelor’s Degree can range from$30,000 to over 35,000 per year. An engineer with a Master’s Degree can earn anywhere from$35,000 to over $40,000.

    A chemical engineer with a doctorate can earn $45,000 to well over $60,000. “To be successful in chemical engineering, one must be curious and persevering” (Finney IV 13). Theperson must be flexible in order to adapt to each phase encountered. They must also be ambitious. Honesty is another very important trait.

    They must be cooperative since they are a member of a team. In order to get a job as a chemical engineer, a person should have at least a Bachelor’s Degree. Thedegree should be in chemical engineering. The degree is acquired by four years of study. Subjectsstudied include engineering, drawing, chemistry, mathematics, English and speech, computing,economics, and social studies. The actual specialization in chemical engineering is usually in the thirdyear of study.

    There are many advantages that go along with this job. The career offers challenges inboth science and industry. Also, the work allows for other companies to expand and hire more people. Thus, this creates new jobs. There are also disadvantages. First, there is a great responsibility placedonto the engineer.

    Also, there is a great deal of pressure involved with this kind of work. The futurefor the chemical engineer looks very promising. As new drugs and vaccines develop, the chemicalengineer will be needed. This a new and exciting field to work in. Many people are becoming moreand more interested in it.

    This increase in engineers called for and increase in jobs. Someone interested in becoming a chemical engineer should concentrate on the sciences in highschool. They should be “good” at chemistry and physics. Also, they should enjoy these classes. Mathematics classes are also important. A knowledge of the computer is extremely important.

    Many colleges offer engineering programs. More specifically, most offer chemical engineeringprograms. MIT offers an excellent chemical engineering program. It is known world-wide for itsengineering department. Carnegie Melon also has a great program.

    Montana University is of anothercollege with a great engineering program. The occupation of a chemical engineer is a very exciting one. It requires a lot of responsibility andhard work. But, if you enjoy being part of a team and working hard, this is the right job for you.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Chemical Engineer Essay Updated. (2019, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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