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    Chapter 13 The Roaring Life of the 1920’s NOTES

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    What was life like in the nation’s cities during the 1920’s?
    Fast-paced, impersonal, and full of diversity
    How did the small-town life and city life differ?
    Small towns = bound by traditional morals and close ties of families, friends, and religion. City = toleration of drinking, gambling, and casual dating
    Why do you think the Eighteenth Amendment failed to eliminate alcohol consumption?
    The consumption of alcohol was a traditional part of many cultures; the govt failed to provide sufficient staff and resources to enforce the law
    How did criminals take advantage of Prohibition?
    Criminals broke the law by smuggling, as well as by making alcohol and selling it for profit
    What were some of the causes and effects of Prohibition?
    Causes = reformers thought that alcohol led to crime, wife/child abuse, accidents on the job, and other social problems Effects = Organized crime grew, disrespect for the law developed, consumption did officially decrease
    What did fundamentalists believe about the biblical account of creation?
    That the Bible was true.
    What did liberal thinkers believe?
    They believed in evolution
    What is the difference between fundamentalists and liberals (those in the cities)?
    Fundamentalists = God created the world in 6 days Liberals = the world of today created over millions of year
    What main issue did the Scopes trial address?
    The role of science and religion in public schools
    How did the flapper embody the changing attitudes of many young women in the 1920’s?
    These women wanted to be treated as equals
    How was the flapper like and unlike women of today?
    Like today = women dressed how they wanted to Unlike today = today’s women have more freedom
    How was women’s freedom still limited through the Double Standard?
    Women still had rules of behavior that they had to obey
    How did the nation’s booming economy provide greater work opportunities for women?
    Women entered into what is now called “women’s professions”. Women’s professions are teachers, nurses, librarians, clerks, and secretaries.
    What forms of inequality and discrimination did women face in the professional world?
    Women were paid less and were kept to only certain types of jobs
    How did the growth of business and industry affect women?
    business growth created jobs for millions of women.
    How did family life change during the 1920’s?
    Big business and industry produced time-saving appliance that freed women from some household chores. Women directed their attention on their families than housework
    What changes affected families in the 1920’s?
    The birthrate dropped; household labor was simplified by technology; children spent their days in school; adolescent rebelliousness increased
    How did public high schools play a role in preparing students for the future?
    They began offering vocational training for industrial jobs.
    How did schools change during the 1920’s?
    More students were able to attend school during this prosperous time; schools had to adapt to teaching students of new immigrant families
    How did various forms of media help to shape American culture in the 1920’s?
    By giving readers more expansive coverage from the big cities
    Why did radio become so popular?
    For the first time, Americans could hear news as it happened
    Which heroes and events inspired Americans?
    Babe Ruth and Helen Wills. Golden Age of Sports: baseball, boxing, and tennis
    Why were American so delighted by movies in the 1920’s?
    Movies were the new thing, it allowed the average working person to escape
    What new styles did writers, artists, and composers experiment with in the decade?
    American styles, they moved away from European traditions and influence
    How did the literature of the time express a clash of values within society?
    The literature criticized this time period because of their conformity and materialism
    Why did some writers reject American culture and values?
    Many American writers found American culture shallow and materialistic; they believed society lacked any unified ideals
    What factors prompted many African Americans to move to Northern cities?
    To find jobs
    How did the influx of African Americans change northern cities?
    More blacks in the cities and more tensions
    What ways did African American leaders propose to combat discrimination and violence?
    Protesting and new laws
    What approach to race relations did Marcus Garvey promote?
    Garvey believed that blacks should build a separate society; he preached a message of self pride and promoted black businesses
    What ideals did the Harlem Renaissance writers promote?
    Celebrating their heritage and pride of the black experience in a white world
    In what ways did writers of the Harlem Renaissance celebrate rebirth?
    They expressed their pride in black experiences; they established their heritage and folklore
    How did African American performers and musicians popularize black culture?
    Through music mostly, but also through acting and literature
    Besides literacy accomplishments, in what areas did African Americans achieve remarkable results?
    Blacks were outstanding in the performing arts

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    Chapter 13 The Roaring Life of the 1920’s NOTES. (2017, Aug 29). Retrieved from

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