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Ch 17.2 Northern Renaissance

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    no place
    craftsman, invented the printing press
    Johann Gutenberg
    most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age
    William Shakespeare
    Bubonic Plague
    What caused the decline of the European population by 1450?
    disease that killed thousands
    What is the Bubonic Plague?
    after the Hundred Years War
    When did the cities’ population start to increase?
    city states
    What was Italy divided into during the Italian Renaissance?
    France and Europe
    Which two countries were a part of the Northern Renaissance?
    Who (government) controlled England and France?
    one ruler
    What is a monarch?
    Francis I
    Who invited DaVinci to retire to France?
    Italian artists and architects
    Who did Francis I hire to decorate his castle?
    What was the name of Francis I castle?
    showcase for Renaissance art
    What did Francis I castle become?
    What were the artists interested in during the Northern Renaissance?
    French king invaded Northern Italy
    What happened in 1494?
    wanted a safer life
    Why did many Italian artists leave Italy?
    Albrecht Durer
    Which German artist traveled to Italy to study in 1494?
    woodcuts and engravings
    What did Durer make when he returned to Germany?
    Hans Holbein
    Which artist did Durer influence?
    Painting in photographic detail
    What was Holbein’s specialty?
    King Henry VIII and English royal family
    Who did Holbein do portraits of?
    Where was the artistic center of Northern Europe
    support of wealthy families
    What helped make Flanders the artistic center of Northern Europe?
    Jan Van Eyck
    Who was the first great Flemish Renaissance painter?
    What paintings were common during the Northern Renaissance and spread to Italy?
    realistic details and personality of subjects
    What was so wonderful about Van Eyck’s work?
    influenced later artists
    What did Van Eyck’s art do for Northern Europe?
    What was important to the humanists during the Northern Renaissance?
    The Praise of Folly
    What did Erasmus write in 1509?
    study the bible
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    What book did Thomas More write in 1516?
    What language did More use in his writings?
    Who mostly attended school during the Northern Renaissance?
    Christine de Pizan
    Who was the first woman to become a writer during the Northern Renaissance?
    Christine de Pizan
    Who was the first person to disagree with treatment of boys and girls?
    Elizabethan Age
    What was it called when the Renaissance moved to England?
    Queen Elizabeth I
    Who was the time of the England Renaissance named after?
    45 years
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    William Shakespeare
    Who was the most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age?
    William Shakespeare
    Who is the greatest playwright of all time?
    sad story
    What is meant by a tragedy?
    Who invented block printing and movable type?
    Johann Gutenberg
    Who invented the printing press?
    approximately 1440
    When was the printing press invented?
    What was the first book Gutenberg printed?
    approximately 1455
    When did Gutenberg print his first book
    artistic and social changes
    What was so wonderful about the European Renaissance?

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    Ch 17.2 Northern Renaissance. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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