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    Cardi B: A New Video for Pepsi in the “More Than Okay” Campaign

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    Pepsi features Cardi B in their “More Than Okay” campaign by creating a commercial. The commercial premiered during the 61st Grammy Awards on Sunday February 10th, 2019. In Pepsi’s 2019 “More Than Okay” commercial, the company encourages us that Cardi B approves that it is more than okay to drink Pepsi using ethos, kairos, and logos.

    Cardi B is an American rapper who was born and raised in The Bronx, New York City. Cardi first attracted attention for discussing her career as a stripper on social media such as Instagram along with her “no filter attitude”. This caused her to become an internet celebrity. In February 2017, she signed her first major label record deal with Atlantic Records. Her debut single for Atlantic, titled ‘Bodak Yellow’, reached number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, making her the second female rapper to ever accomplish this with a solo output.

    The commercial establishes ethos by including rapper Cardi B and drag queen Monét X Change. Although, the clip was primarily about Cardi, quite a few people were more thrilled about seeing the Season 10 Miss Congeniality of RuPaul’s Drag Race appearance in the Pepsi commercial. If you watch RuPaul’s Drag Race then you’ve been saying “okurrr” for years. Drag queen Monét X Change, is still one of the remaining five current contestants in the popular television show RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 4.

    In the commercial, the customers and the waitress gives their best shot at repeating the word. They have no idea what Cardi B is saying until Monet chimes in with her own version of the word “okurrr”. Then, everyone including the police and pigeons hanging outside, gets the hang of it.

    Furthermore, Kairos is presented as well. The commercial uses Kairos by bringing the commercial to a close with Cardi’s ‘I Like It’ instrumental starting up. The Bad Bunny and J Balvin-assisted track is currently up for record of the year at the 61st Grammy Awards 2019. The song was released on Cardi’s debut album, Invasion of Privacy. The song replaced Cardi’s own Number One hit “Bodak Yellow” in no time.

    As, the waitress starts of the customer’s order by asking the very familiar question, “is Pepsi okay?”, Logos is being used in the commercial. Cardi B overhears the question and is shocked that it is even asked.

    The artist receives publicity from her song being played, which is being nominated for a grammy, while Pepsi receives credit for featuring the artist in the commercial. This particular Pepsi commercial uses Kairos, Ethos, and Logos to promote their soft drink while using popular american rapper Cardi B.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Cardi B: A New Video for Pepsi in the “More Than Okay” Campaign. (2022, Dec 01). Retrieved from

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