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    Broccoli–Informative Speech Essay

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    Hello everyone, today My topic is broccoli(??? )—one nutritious and delicious vegetable. Before my speech , I want to show you a list of words I will mention in my following parts. ‘Broccoli, cauliflower, calcium, folacin’ these words may help you more easily understand this special vegetable. Part1: introduce broccoli and cauliflower Many people say broccoli looks like small trees, and cauliflower like gathered clouds. They think broccoli is only green and cauliflower is only white. However, these nutritious vegetables also come in more color versions.

    One kind of cauliflower, for example, is orange, and broccoli can be purple. Broccoli and cauliflower are among the most nutritious vegetables. They are high in vitamin C, fiber and other nutrients. And they contain substances that are believed to fight cancer. There are also some small differences between broccoli and cauliflower. Broccoli contains 20%more vitamin C and 30 times more carotene than cauliflower. Some other nutrients like protein and folacin(?? ) are all high in broccoli.

    In a word, eating broccoli is much helpful to your body. Part2: more details of the nutrition content in broccoli Many people think tomatoes and pepper contain most vitamin C among the vegetables. Actually, it was broccoli that contains the most. That is why many ladies eating broccoli for anti-aging. In addition to vitamin, it is said that the Ca per hundred grams in broccoli are even as much as in milk. And in a recent study in Japan, the average nutritional values of broccoli are far higher than any other vegetable , which ranks first.

    Nutritionists strongly suggest adding broccoli to your diet, and declare that it will effectively reduce your risk of many diseases, especially cancer. As its significant values in keeping health, people give broccoli a lovely name ‘ doctor for the poor’. Part 3:cooking tips Broccoli can make very delicious cooking. Plain-frying and cold-tossing(?? ,?? ) are two common recipes of cooking broccoli. But as boccoli has many tiny flowers in its head, it is a little hard to wash. Here I suggest that you steep(?? broccoli in the water of washing rice, and most of the poisons will be more easily washed up. Next if you scald(? ) it briefly before frying, broccoli looks more fresher and greener, which can also keep its nutrient at the most. Do notice that broccoli can go bad very easily, so eat them up as quickly as possible. After my introduction, I believe you can have a brief knowledge of broccoli. Above all, if you want to be more beautiful, much healthier, and much younger, choose the delicious broccoli in your diet.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Broccoli–Informative Speech Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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