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    Birth Control Research Proposal

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    Description of the Problem

    Birth control has always been a controversial topic surrounded by social stigma, especially in our current political climate. Many women in the United States find birth control to be essential and use contraceptives as part of ‘their’ daily life. One thing that many women can agree on is that birth control and other contraceptives can be expensive. Luckily, due to the Affordable Care Act enacted by the Obama administration, birth control is covered by the Contraceptive Mandate. Under the ACA,

    employer-provided health insurance plans are required to provide contraceptive coverage and services. The mandate benefits millions of women in the workforce and while preventing pregnancy may be the main purpose of taking birth control, the other benefits of contraception are commonly overlooked. Be that as it may, in October of 2017, The Trump administration attempted issuing exemptions on the mandate that would leave millions of women without guaranteed coverage. The administration put the exemptions in place so as to protect the first amendment. The Department of Health and Human Services with the Justice Department, support Trump’s stance on the matter being that ‘we will not allow people of faith to be targeted, bullied or silenced anymore.’ (Pear, Ruiz, and Goodstein) By the Health and Human Services, the exemption allows employers with ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’ to refuse contraception coverage to their employees. The exemptions also apply to small businesses and organizations that oppose the mandate for their moral agenda. (Nedelman, Luhby, Jarrett, and Lee) However, these exemptions only protect the employer’s religious views while ignoring their employees. The administration should be more specific and selective when granting exemptions. Although, the Contraception mandate under the ACA already had exemptions that allowed health plans sponsored by certain exempt religious employers (such as churches and other houses of worship) to refuse coverage, contraceptive methods and/or counseling. Non-profit religious organizations such as religious hospitals or an institution of higher education are also exempt from providing contraceptive coverage if they prove that their religious objections are valid. If the employee’s health plan falls under any of these exemptions, contraceptive services will still be provided if needed through separate payments by an insurer or third-party administrator. The Trump administration’s exemptions only apply to established religious employers which avoids other employers taking advantage. Employers should be required to provide contraceptive coverage and services that will benefit the health and careers of their employees.

    The Significance of the Problem

    Birth control has become a huge part of what women spend on healthcare. The Contraceptive Mandate covers a variety of services that allow women to use a birth control method that fits their lifestyle. The mandate even offers patient consultations that help women determine which birth control is right for them. According to the analysis of the women’s health policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation, “Many women with coverage who faced out of pocket costs which could be in the range of a $1,000 upfront not having to pay that amount has made it more affordable,’ (Ranji) The number of women paying for contraceptives out-of-pocket has dropped from 21% to 3% due to the mandate. The cost of both oral contraceptives and IUDs have decreased substantially. Oral (hormonal) contraceptives have declined in costs by 38% while Intrauterine devices (IUDs) have dropped by 68%. An employee’s health should always be an employer’s priority. Contraception reduces the chances of cysts developing in the breasts and ovaries. It also prevents endometrial and ovarian cancers along with other potential infections. Having contraceptive coverage benefits the economic empowerment, educational opportunities, and health of many working women. These exemptions only protect the religious freedom and moral code of the employer. The rules set by the administration are too vague and unfortunately, there will be employers who will take advantage of the situation at the cost of women in the workforce.

    Research Questions

    What is the Contraceptive Mandate? What does it cover and exclude? How has birth control affected educational opportunities for women? How does birth control benefits women who pursue their careers? What are the health benefits of having birth control and other contraceptive service/methods? What are the costs of birth control and other contraceptive methods/services? How does having birth control coverage advance women’s economic empowerment? What is the history of the Trump administration’s exemptions?


    I will be researching the contraceptive mandate under the Obama administration in order to provide a fair assessment of all it has to offer. The mandate covers many kinds of contraception methods include diaphragms, cervical caps, male and female condoms, etc. I feel that educating the audience about these contraceptive methods is vital to finding a solution. Aside from benefiting an employee’s health, access to contraceptive advances their economic empowerment as well. According

    to planned parenthood about “one-third of the wage gains women have made since the 1960s are the result of access to oral contraceptives.” (Planned Parenthood) Contraception has also contributed to the rise of college-educated women pursuing professional careers. Planned Parenthood reports that there has been a “30% increase in the proportion of women who have skilled professions” (Planned Parenthood). Using statistics and research that relay how birth control allows women to further their educational opportunities and careers is crucial to proving the importance of having birth control coverage. pioneering in the workforce. Lastly, providing a timeline of the Trump administration’s efforts in implementing these exemptions would strengthen the claim.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Birth Control Research Proposal. (2021, Oct 25). Retrieved from

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