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    Attitudes Towards Education: The Impact of Teachers

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    Education seems to be the foundation of American society these days because it is the catalyst for individuals to achieve success. It is extremely difficult to begin a lucrative career now without having at least graduated from high school, if not also having a college degree. Because education is so important in America, it is equally important to ask how Americans are getting their education. This topic is interesting to me because I have been a student most of my life and have had so many different teachers throughout the years.

    Some of those teachers were an inspiration to me others I felt negatively towards. I wondered what it was about these instructors that gave me my opinions about them and if me disliking a teacher because of their attitude was a main contributor to me not doing well in the subject. To answer this question I began to do research not on students, but rather on teachers and how their instruction affects those who need to learn. Specifically, I looked into how teachers’ attitudes in the classroom can affect student learning. Research has concluded that teachers’ attitudes while doing their jobs impact student learning in because of the instructors’ levels of positivity, professionalism, and outlook on the subject being taught.

    Teachers set the standard for learning in every classroom in America because they have the hands on job of educating the young minds of the nation. Since they are given this power, it is important that they have positive attitudes while teaching because their attitudes can affect how well students learn. The academic essay “Five Attitudes of Effective Teachers: Implications for Teacher Training” from the University of North Dakota examines how teachers who create more positive classroom environments ultimately better their students. The author explains, “These effective attitudes and actions employed by teachers ultimately can make a positive difference on the lives of their students,” (Gourneau 4). This conclusion was reached after

    examining five specific attitudes seen in the most effective teachers. All attitudes represent traits and actions of positivity. Therefore, teachers’ attitudes in the classroom can make an impact on students’ lives and it has been proven that positive attitudes create better students. I can attest to this from personal experience as a student. I can recall an instructor from each period of my educational journey that was a positive influence in my life because they themselves were positive in the classroom. I also know that I did well in every one of those classes because I felt encouraged by my instructor to do well and therefore I did not want to let them down. On the other hand, I can also remember instructors from my past where I did not do well because they were intimidating or had negative attitudes when I asked for guidance. My experience is similar to the research and it can be concluded that teachers with positive attitudes in the classroom produce better students.

    Professionalism also has an important role for teachers in the classroom. I can confirm this from my personal experience because I saw teachers who conducted themselves with a professional attitude as more credible than those who did not. Because of this, it made more sense to me to listen to what my teacher had to say and therefore I feel like I learned more. A journal titled, “Relation between Teachers’ Professionalism and Job Attitudes, Educational Outcomes, and Organizational factors” takes a closer look at how teachers who maintain professional attitudes in classrooms produce better students.

    The outcome of this study showed that, “when teachers subscribe to the professional code in school, students tend to have more positive concepts about themselves, be more willing to share good relationships with classmates, have a more positive attitude towards the teacher, be more committed to the school, and enjoy life more, be more willing to learn and work hard, and have less intention to drop out,” (Yin Cheong 166). All of these results are objectively positive and can be directly attributed to teachers’ professional attitudes. This study confirms that teachers’ attitudes in the classroom will affect student-learning outcomes significantly.

    Finally, the attitudes teachers have about the subject they are teaching can impact how well students learn. A study done with elementary schools is the subject of the essay, “The Effect of Teacher Attitude, Experience, and Background Knowledge on the Use of Inquiry Method Teaching in the Elementary Classroom.”

    The essay begins by explaining how students have not been performing well in science and questions if this is because of how the subject is taught. The author then explains the study and how the researchers found that teachers who did not have a good attitude towards the subject would hurt the learning outcomes of their students. The author states, “Unfortunately, there is strong evidence to suggest that many elementary teachers do not always feel science curriculum is a high priority. And when it is addressed in the classroom, it is often not taught in a way that enhances and encourages student achievement,” (Garcia 5).

    This is significant because it proves that teachers who can be capable and effective instructors can also negatively impact student learning when they have poor attitudes. Teacher attitudes are truly important when the goal is for students to be in an optimum learning environment.

    In conclusion, teachers with better attitudes towards education end up being better at helping their students learn because of their positivity, professionalism, and level of engagement in the subject they are teaching. This was proven by studies observing teachers in the classroom and finding that those instructors with better attitudes were more affective at their jobs. This is an important conclusion because it can help teachers see how they can improve and guide students to get a better education. Learning is so important in this society and therefore, it is important for teachers to do everything they can to improve students’ education.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Attitudes Towards Education: The Impact of Teachers. (2022, Dec 22). Retrieved from

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