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    Athletic Scholarships Helps Students Reach for Their Dreams

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    A college education is very important in todayds society. Now dast in order to make a good living you need to have a college education. Colleges should spend more money on academic scholarships Colleges should not offer athletic scholarships because they take away from the general scholarship funds, they lessen the academic standards, and they stack the larger schools wrth athletes One reason colleges should not offer athletic scholarships is because they take away from the general scholarship funds. Colleges cannot offer enough academic scholarships because of all the athletic scholarships that are given. An unbelievable amount of money is spent every year on athletic scholarships. So much more money could go toward the academic funds if colleges would not offer these scholarships.

    Another reason colleges should not offer athletic scholarships is because they lessen the academic standards. Athletic scholarships do not require nearly as high standards as do academic scholarships. In order to get an academic scholarship you must have an outstanding GPA and a very good score on the ACT or SAT. Athletic scholarships are offered to students who have a low GPA and a minimum ACT or SAT. If colleges would spend all of their scholarship funds on academic scholarships the number of high school students who attend college would probably increase The last reason why colleges should not offer athletic scholarships is because they stack the larger colleges with most of the outstanding athletes.

    The large schools attract most of the great athletes because they offer more scholarship. Without athletic scholarships the extremely talented athletes would be spread among all colleges no matter of how big or small the college is. A lot of great athletes could not afford the tuition at a major college so instead they might attend a smaller school. Collegent sports would be more exciting if most colleges were on the same level athletically. Therefore. without athletic scholarships their would be twice as many well educated college graduates in the would today. A lot of athletes focus to much on their sport and not enough on their books, yet they are still receiving a free education and they arenflt even taking advantage of it.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Athletic Scholarships Helps Students Reach for Their Dreams. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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