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    Arts Essay

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    Upon entering the said museum, I was full of excitement, because of the fact that event been able to visit any museum within the vicinity since was still a child. The Museum is consisted of four floors. The top floor having displayed the Gold of the Ancestors, the third floor showcasing 18th – 20th century artists and their art works, the second floor displayed dioramas of the eras that were experienced by the Filipinos, and the ground floor is under construction.

    When we went to the top floor where the specious of the ancestors are displayed, I’ve wholes liked how the entrance is very dramatic and how the lighting effects evokes mood when you step in the door. We watched a film about gold which enjoyed. After that we are free to walk around. I detect that almost all of the gold displays are very thin and hollow, I liked the jewelries especially. When our group go in the third floor I noticed many paintings and the displays of actual clothing. The fabrics are really thin and delicate and the embroideries are very intricate, you can range its hand sewn.

    Patterns are very simple and I notice many of the pieces share the same pattern. I wanted to touch some of the clothes but everything was behind glass. For a nation that was under Spanish rule or close to 400 years, there’s still the great debate whether their colonization worked to our advantage, as many to this day still resent their occupation of the country. During that time, the Spanish subjugated our people and ruined our native cultures. They stripped us of our riches and took away our self-worth.

    In the end, and thanks to centuries Of insemination, we were left With a mindset that they were responsible for everything we acquired both intellectually and culturally. Onion in later times did learn how much more complex our pre Hispanic civilization was as opposed to the barbarians they were made out to be. Our ancient society was stratified who lived by a set of laws and followed indigenous religions. After visiting the Gold of Our Ancestors exhibit I discovered even further just how sophisticated our forefathers were. As totally floored by and in utter disbelief to the showcase before me. There were over 1 ,OHO pieces of gold on display, intricately crafted by native goldsmiths into earrings, rings, diadems, pectorals, funeral masks, and orifice pieces for the eyes, nose and mouth that date as tar back as the 10th century and used by the elite. Other and more obscure objects include bowls, tweeters, belts and chastity pieces! The highlight though, would most definitely be the sash or halter that weighs almost 4 kilograms (that’s 10 pounds! That automatically elicits an expletive from anyone who lays eyes on it. The Boxer Codex is a manuscript written c. 1595 which contains illustrations of ethnic groups in the Philippines at the time of their initial contact with the Spaniards. Aside from a description of, and historical allusions to the Philippines and various Other Par Eastern countries, it also contains seventy- five colored drawings of the inhabitants of these regions and their distinctive costumes. At least fifteen illustrations deal With the natives Of the Philippine Archipelago.

    It is believed that the original owner of the manuscript was Luis P©raze ads Marinas, son Of Governor General Gomez P©raze ads Marinas, Who was killed in 1593 by Jangles (Chinese living in the Philippines). Luis succeeded his father in office as Governor General of the Philippines. Since Spanish colonial governors were required to supply written reports on the territories they governed, it is likely that the manuscript was written under the orders of the governor. The manuscript’s earliest known owner was Lord ulcerates.

    The codex was among what remained in his collection when his estate, Holland House in London, suffered a direct hit during an air raid in 1942, The manuscript was auctioned in 1947 and came into the possession of Proto. Charles Ralph Boxer, an authority on the Far East, It is now owned by the Lilly Library at Indiana University. The Boxer Codex depicts the Togas, Visitants, Samba’s, Gayness or possibly Beanbags and Negotiators of the Philippines in vivid colors. The technique of the paintings suggests that the artist may have been Chinese, as does the use of Chinese paper, ink and paints.

    The Laguna Copperplate (Toga :Suit Eng Platoon Tans Eng Laguna ) is the earliest known written document found in the Philippines. The plate was found in I gag by a sand laborer near the mouth of the Lumbago River in Barbarian Way, Lumbar, Laguna. The inscription on the plate was first deciphered by Dutch anthropologist Anton Postman_ The discovery of the plate is cited as evidence of cultural links be,even the Pre- colonial Toga planned the various contemporary Asian civilizations, most notably the Javanese Median Kingdom, the Survivals Empire, and the Middle kingdoms Of India.

    Laguna Copperplate is on a thin copper plate measuring less than 20 x 30 CM (8 x 12 inches) in size with words directly embossed onto the plate. It differs in manufacture from Javanese scrolls of the period, which had the words inscribed onto a heated, softened scroll of metals on a thin copper plate measuring less than 20 30 CM (8 x 12 inches) in size with words directly embossed onto the plate. It differs in manufacture from Javanese scrolls of the period, which had the words inscribed onto a heated, softened scroll of meta.

    Kinsman (surging Ca,10th-13th century xx. CM 178. 7 grams) This exquisite golden vessel is rendered in the shape of the winged kinsman halt woman and half bird. Len Hindu mythology, the kinsman personifies the feminine ideal of beauty, grace, and accomplishments. She is renowned tort her enchanting voice, graceful dance, and gifted poetry, The kinsman is haunting allure is captured in the sensitive rendering of this image. Her delicate features suggest ethereal beauty, a bejewel chignon at the nape of her neck enhances her elegance.

    The textured patterns of chased and engraved feathers on her wings and tail provide a leasing counterpoint to the softly glowing smoothness of her skim who brought the ceramics in the Philippines? The two artist who have their paintings in the museum are Fernando Expel De Ally (born 1960), is a Filipino businessman, from the prominent Ally- Gibe family. Gibe graduated from Harvard College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1982. He also completed a program in International Management at instead in Prance. Cobble is the President and Chief Operating Officer Of Ally Corporation, the holding company of the Ally group.

    He is also the Chairman Of Ally Land. The Ally Land is the Philippines’ largest real estate firm and its only complete line property developer. In addition, he is one of the leader of the boards Of the Other Ally Group companies. His brother, Jaime Augusto Zebu, is chief executive officer of Ally Corporation, while his father, Jaime Z¶bell De Ally, was president until 1994 and currently holds the title of chairman. Cobble started painting without formal training while in Harvard. He graduated in 1949 as magna scum lauded. He later stayed on as biographical researcher after finishing is bachelor’s degree.

    It was at this time, he met American artists Hyman Bloom, Reed Champion and Jim Pettier who helped him launch his career as an artist. His paintings were in style of the Boston artists and are considered his Boston-style works. Cobble started painting without formal training while in Harvard. He graduated in 1949 as magna scum lauded, He later stayed on as biographical researcher after finishing his bachelor’s degree. It was at this time, he met American artists Hyman Bloom, Reed Champion and Jim Puffer who helped him launch his career as an artist.

    His paintings were in style of the Boston artists and are considered his Boston-style works. And the other one is Hernandez Iris Camp (1911 – 1978) was born in Manila and is one of the original Thirteen Moderns group of artists that was formed in 1938. These artists, including Vaccine Mainsail and Cesar Legal’s, re-grouped with additional members into the Nonrealistic during the postwar period. He also founded the Saturday Group, an informal artist group which endured for several years after his death. During his lifetime, H. R.

    Camp garnered several distinguished wards?first prize awards at the competitions and exhibitions in 1950, 1951, and 1969 Of the Art Association Of the Philippines (PAP): the first Republic Cultural Award in Painting in 1965; the Pathway Eng Sinning in 1969 and Died Eng Alai in 1976 from the City of Manila. H. R. Ocarina posthumously received the Gad ICP Para as Sinning Award in 1979 and the Award of National Artist for Visual Arts in 1991 . H. R. Camp joins Vaccine Mainsail, Jose Joys, Victory Decades, and Button Francisco in the list of artists featured in Ally Museum’s Images of Nation exhibition series.

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