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    ART Video quiz Caravaggio Essay

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    Caravaggio always did a series of practice drawings before he embarked on a painting.
    Everyday street people
    Caravaggio related most with:
    Caravaggio was primarily active this city:
    Caravaggio’s temperament can best be described as passionate, volatile and unpredictable.
    His use of dramatic lights and darks to create a stage like appearance, His use of everyday people as models
    Caravaggio’s paintings were revolutionary because: (Please choose all that apply, there is more than one answer)
    Caravaggio often depicted himself in his work as the sinner rather than the saint.
    A cardinal
    Who noticed Caravaggio’s talent and helped make him famous?
    In one of the rougher taverns in town
    In his spare time, Caravaggio could be found in:
    Caravaggio painted his subjects as perfect and God- like; without flaw.
    A drowned prostitute from the morgue
    Who did Caravaggio use as a model for the Virgin Mary?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    ART Video quiz Caravaggio Essay. (2017, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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