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    Art – Old vs New Essay (457 words)

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    The piece by the Italian artist Ugo Da Carpi is a beautiful picture. The artist used great detail in creating the man holding the conk shell. His body is very well drawn in detail depicting his muscle structure as well as the use of light and shadow. It shows the man holding a shell and attempting to read a book. He seems to be holding a pointer of some type in his right hand using it to hold down a book. By the look he might be holding the book down due to wind, his hair seems to be flowing and clothing flapping.

    Keith Haring has drawn a very plain picture of two people. It seems to me that one man is killing another man maybe in the name of god. I say that because he is holding a cross. The use of lines around the men shows me action and lots of it. Im not sure what the purpose of the light bulb is in the upper left corner.

    Carpi must have had a distinct purpose for this work; Im not exactly what that was. There is a chicken in the background and he is reading books. This is an Italian artist so it could possibly be a god or some type of European saint. Im stuck on the meaning of the chicken. The man seems to be trying to educate him self maybe on scripture, it gives me a real biblical feeling.

    Harring drew a simple, non-color, bland picture. Its not the actual use of color and lines that makes this good. I think is intent was in the actions of the figures. One man or thing or person is killing another form of life. At the same time holding a cross symbolizing religion. I think the light bulb may symbolize an idea. As if the meaning is that its a bad idea to kill and its a sin.

    If I had to choose between both of the works of art based upon which one I like most I would choose Carpis. I like his use of detail and just the whole way the piece flows together. The other is just plan and I think was not intended to be visually pleasing but instead to make you think or get a point across on I particular subject. Dont get me wrong I dont think it makes Haring any less of a good artist, he chooses to use his talent in a more simplistic way to get a point across.

    I choose Carpi solely based upon being visually pleasing. I cannot put an exact interpretation on the work but just the flow and the use of texture and color makes it more attractive to my eye.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art – Old vs New Essay (457 words). (2018, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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