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    The Art Of The Storyteller Essay

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    The art of the storyteller is to hold the attention to the reader. If they are able to grab the whole mind of the reader, they can convey the ideas and themes represented in the story successfully to the audience, and therefore the intension of the writer can be better understood and appreciated. In order to achieve this target, the writers often employ literary techniques, such as foreshadowing, story in story, suspense, etc, to attract and hold the readers attention. Usually, the plot itself plays the most important role in holding the readers attention, by evoking the interest and curiosity in the reader.

    Many stories are not simply chronologically-plotted, allowing the writer to set a foreshadowing section, or postpone the revealing of the truth. In the midst of the story, something maybe called up and brought in by the memory of the protagonist, which serves to provide additional information and explanation. In the story The Sacrificial Egg, Julius Obi recalled his conversation with Janets mother, and becomes a part of the plot. This part serves to arose the readers interest and introduce the superstition, and the theme on it, to the reader.

    It also becomes a bridge connecting the factual account in the beginning, and the mysterious event happening later,by adding the element of mystery and superstition into the story, so as to hold the readers attention, and keep their interest in reading. On the other hand, the viewpoint of narration and the atmosphere set in the story also help hold the attention of the reader. For example, The Persimmon Tree is told in the first persons narrative viewpoint, so that the feelings and thoughts of the narrator are quite subjective, appealing and persuasive.

    The opinions in the story are easily conveyed to the reader and the reader feels like the communication with the narrator in the story. The writer of the story allows the reader to share the same feeling and mood with the person in the story, to ensure the full attention of the reader in the story itself. Atmosphere is related to the narrative viewpoint, playing a role in entertaining the reader and attracting their attention. In The Sacrificial Egg, the atmosphere is kind of laziness, loneliness and desolation. It constantly occupies the heart of the reader and makes him/her finish reading in a depressed mood, as an observer.

    The atmosphere is so touching and it spreads fast into the reader, who therefore will not refuse to keep on reading. The last but not least, thewriting style of the writer contributes a lot to the brilliance of the story and sometimes decides the readers opinion to the story. In The Bridegroom, the writer used descriptive language to impress the reader about the setting, characters, atmosphere, etc. Lots of adjectives are used to provide the reader a virid picture-like description, which allows the reader to familiarize with the surroundings in Africa.

    The well-chosen words reflect the characteristics of each item and convey a realistic feeling. Words like skinny shrillness and chill are related to the poor life in Africa and emphasize on the theme presented. The reader will then find it an interesting and brilliant story and keep his/her attention on it. In conclusion, the writers of the story employ many different techniques to ensure that the attention of the reader is held on the story, so that we find the stories interesting, and enjoy the fun in reading. And the intentions of the writer are understood in a better way.

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    The Art Of The Storyteller Essay. (2018, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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