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    Art History Writing Assignment Essay

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    Writing Assignment Queering, a painting by Pablo Picasso is perhaps one of his most famous works. It gag Ned its rise to fame when it was taken on a worldwide tour. However, something that is no t very well known about this certain piece of artwork is the political message behind it. Apparently, the painting is a tribute to the town of Queering, which is located in Spas In the year of 1937, Nazis bombed Queering for practice purposes.

    This was also during Eng the Spanish Civil War. The painting portrays the effects of war and what a tragedy it really is. It is painted in black, white and grayscale fashion of colors. One can assume that Picasso painted in these colors rather than bright colors to get his point across more efficiently. It was not done to SSH owe that war is Just black and white. If anything, the absence of color does nothing but emphasize and intensify all of the pure, raw, and uncut emotion.

    The painting shows Picasso opinion n on bullfighting as well. Queering is also a tribute to Picasso homeland, which is Spain. This is why you can s so much emotion behind the characters in this piece of art. Many of the people in HTH s work (if hey are not corpses already) have their heads back, screaming in pain and pure ago NY. Picasso aim was to show all of the pain that the bombers had caused. Picasso painting style was extremely unique.

    He not only fathered and pioneered cubism, but he also made large contributions to surrealism as well as symbolism. The way that the people, animals, and objects in Queering are painted makes the work special. Pica so utilized his cubists talents to show the pain and suffering that happened in Queering when t he bombing occurred. Although the figures depicted in his works are not perfect individuals, Picas

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Art History Writing Assignment Essay. (2017, Sep 28). Retrieved from

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