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    Analysis Of The Book ‘ The View On Transgender ‘ Essay

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    The book shows an overview of the view on transgender, the book focuses on the history of the transgender movement from the mid-twentieth century to the current times. The book gives an overview of issues facing the transgender community. Recent articles not only confirm what the book states but also expands on claims and offers solutions to issues still impacting the community today. It also touches on the difference between the gay movement and transgender community. This book is relevant to today’s time because the issues talk about in this book are still ongoing.

    Within the last few months, a few different states have either passed laws that would discriminate against the transgender community or that has come close to passing those bills.The book acknowledges the common terminology, and explains the differences between the. The term of transgender means that the self-identify gender of the individual doesn’t match their biological sex. The term transsexual means that the individual has changed their sex from that of what they were born with. Cisgender are those that express a gender that corresponds to sociality norms with their sex. Some may consider transgender as intersex also, this would be incorrect, and the term intersex means that a person was born with sex organs that don’t meet the standard gender binary.

    When referring to a transgender women or man, the gender said is the gender expressed. A transgender man is someone who was born female and is expressing as a man. The next important point is that the sexual orientation is not the same thing as their gender identity. It is subjective to the person what they classify their sexual orientation and their gender identity as. The term transgender came from John F. Ol.

    .ity. Another issue that are very different between the two groups is the use of bathrooms. Recently many states have come out with strict use of a certain bathroom depending on the gender of the person, this is exclusive to the transgender community. The views of transgender people in the United States is very different from that of other countries. Within the United States the protections are limited but in other countries, the protections are greater.

    India recently listed those in the transgender community as a third gender. Over ten other countries allow those to change their gender identity. While other countries may provide greater protection and easier transition laws, there are other countries that make it more difficult. Some countries are known to sentence people to death if they come out as transgender, leading those to live in hiding in fear of death. ?

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Analysis Of The Book ‘ The View On Transgender ‘ Essay. (2019, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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