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    Alice Walker Essay (734 words)

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    My Daughter Smokes Essay My daughter smokes is about Ms. Walker daughter smoking. She relates her smoking to how her father and grandfather used to smoke as well. In fact the brand of cigarettes that her daughter smokes is in fact the same brand that her father and grandfather used to smoke. She describes the horrific story about her father addiction to cigarettes. She goes on to tell us hoe cigarettes changed him; physically and emotionally. Ms. Walker father gained weight, looked as though he was poor, and ad a discolorations to his skin.

    After a while, he started developing a cough. He was getting weaker and weaker by the day to the point where couldn’t barely move anymore. Eventually her father died due to the addiction. Ms. Alice tries to attempt to talk to her daughter about the outcome of smoking and how addicting it is. She told the story about her father addiction and hoe it changed him and how he died from the addiction. As an attempt to get through her daughter, she told the story about how she used to smoke. Ms.

    Alice explained how he started in high school and smoked a specific kind of brand of cigarettes because that was the brand that her sister used to smoke. Back in the day, she thought that having black lips and gums was very popular so that’s why she started smoking in the first place. She goes on and tells her daughter that the continuing smoking that her sister led to her having a chronic sore throat. After the result of her father and sister addiction, Ms. Alice decides to quit smoking. In the end, Ms. Alice quit smoking 3 months later, after reading her mother essay.

    Although I do not have an addiction that I can relate to this story, my parent had an addiction that they had to overcome and get helped for. My father was addicted to drugs. He was addicted to crack-cocaine. His addiction is a result to why I don’t ever want to try drugs now. He told me that his addiction all started when he was in the military. He said the stress in the military was getting too much and eventually he started using to get high and for him to feel good. After he got out the military, he met my mom and she got addicted to it as well.

    She stopped once she found that she was pregnant by my older brother, but my dad continued. He said it felt as though the addiction took over him and he was helpless and couldn’t do anything about it. As soon as my brother was born, my mom started using again as well. She used to leave my brother at my grandma house (my father mom), so that she can get a quick fix when she needed it. After a couple of months of the birth of my brother, my mom was pregnant again with me. After that, my dad decided that he wanted to come clean and he went to go get help.

    The addiction didn’t stopped but it slowed down little by little. When I was born, the doctor found out that I had drugs in my system and that I had to stay at the hospital for some months because I was very sick and weak. My mom continues to use while my dad was trying to get as much help as my dad had the responsibility to take care of two young children while dealing with his addiction. Eventually it was too much on him that he legally gave me and my brother up to his parents. Even though the addiction took over my dad, he still was there for his children.

    On the other hand, my mom never came back. Years later, my dad eventually got helped again and has been drug free for 5 years now. He tells me and my brother his story all the time and explained to us how it affected him. After the addiction, he ended up going back to church and eventually found him a new wife. Addiction is a serious matter whether it’s something as big as drugs to something as small as chocolate. It can affect your life in many ways, Just like it affected my dad’s life. I’m glad he shared me his story and I’m happy to share his story.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Alice Walker Essay (734 words). (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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