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    Air And Water Essay (380 words)

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    A major transition in the modern energy age began in the 1970s, when the bignation’s industry started to grow up rapidly.

    The use of oil was veryimportant and overnight, oil prices shot through the roof, and the trend ofever-cheaper, ever-more-plentiful energy sources were in need. Another player onthe modern energy stage is nuclear power. An industry that didn’t exist 40 yearsago is now at a huge amount of production, producing 20 percent of the nation’selectricity. Ironically, the industry is fading out. New orders ceased 20 yearsago, and as aging plants reach the end of their lives, they are closing, one byone.

    All the non-renewable energy resources have positive and negative affectsto the nature. However Nuclear Energy is the most dangerous one, as we can seewhat happened in Chernobyl in 1986, and it is dangerous if the nations useNuclear Energy to kill people like at the end of the world war. It is not adream to think of solar power that is cheap enough for universal use a worldfull of zero-polluting electric cars. Wide-scale use of fuel cells for poweringbuses and other forms of public transport. “Chicago and Vancouver are twocities which have pilot programs using fuel cells to power some of their publictransport buses. Use of fossil fuels confined to petro-chemical products andfuel cell feedstock.

    Nuclear fusion or some other advanced nuclear process,supplying all base load power. ” (Solar) Also, there is continued interest andresearch into fusion power. Since fusion generates temperatures of millions ofdegrees, the main difficulty in developing fusion power has been in containingthe heat of the reaction. Fusion is an expensive source of energy right now, butit might cost much cheaper in the near future. It is not very hard to guess thatin the near future, all the energy sources will be much cheaper.

    The technologyis changing almost everyday, it was not possible to dream internet ten yearsago. Who can guess that what will be happen in the next ten years? But for surenon-renewable energy resources will not be renewed when all of them are used. Wealways used resources from the nature, now it is time to create our ownresources that we can keep the earth and all the organic materials clean. Themost green energy resource is solar energy right now and it is very cheap to getheat from the sunlight.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Air And Water Essay (380 words). (2018, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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