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Advantages Of CLassical Music Essay

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    Throughout history there have been several genres of music. It is an important aspect of every culture, helping to define and shape it across the globe. Varieties range from Hip-Hop to R&B, Country, Gospel, and several others. One type of music that has produced countless numbers of classics is, Classical music. Classical music is a great choice for anyone who enjoys a mellower, relaxed sound. It has been known to soothe the soul, help concentration, and give a pleasant feeling to its listeners. The belief that classical music soothes the soul can be proven true through several instances.

    The first is, unlike Rock or Rap music which are both theoretically a somewhat harsher sound, Classical music produces a relaxing melody. It also has a harmony that is unguarded of in contemporary Rock music, not to mention other genres. Another circumstance in which Classical music is used to soothe the soul is on the phone lines. When a company places one on hold, the music being played on the other end of the line is more than likely Classical. This is not a coincidence. The music choice is made due to the fact that it relaxes the listener, creating a greater hence that he will remain on the line.

    Another belief is that Classical music aids in concentration. I have had several teachers throughout my life who strongly believe that listening to Classical music while studying greatly improves their odds of retaining knowledge. The harmony and soft sound that are produced through Classical music help null all outside noises and distractions, allowing one to concentrate more on the task at hand. It is also a given that it is easier to focus when listening to a softer, mellower sound than a loud sharp Jose which is often related to genres like Rap or Rock.

    The last belief is that Classical music is pleasant to listen to. The previous two beliefs alone should prove that it is pleasant to the mind. If that is not enough there are, indeed, several more examples of how classical music is pleasant to listen to. Classical music is strictly instrumental and lacks any vocals whatsoever. Much remains to be interpreted. This leaves a great amount of meaning to be found in the imagination of the listener. The music can mean anything to anyone and something impolitely different to the person in the next seat.

    That is the beauty of Classical music and one of the reasons it is so pleasant to the mind. Despite all the positives of Classical music, its popularity has oddly enough decreased in the past few decades. The emergence of Rock and Roll and more recently Rap music has left it on the back burner. Classical music will always remain a large part of music’s past and hopefully present and future. It is an enjoyable, relaxing, and soothing genre that should be praised for generations. Advantages Of CLassical Music By Expressway Contributor

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    Advantages Of CLassical Music Essay. (2017, Nov 21). Retrieved from

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