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    Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle Essay

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    When I was a child, I was surrounded by family that could never adjust to having a regular workout schedule or eating healthy foods causing the majority of my family to be slightly overweight and extremely unhealthy. Instead of changing their lifestyles they began to blame it merely on their genetics calling it, “The Richter Curse”, with Richter being our last name. Growing up in such an environment, I slowly learned how to manage my body and consume healthier and more nutritious things. In doing so, I learned that adopting a proper diet and regular training is beneficial in many ways such as helping you control your weight, combat diseases and also boosts your moods by helping with relaxation and having energy at the times you may need it most.

    For example, by taking on a proper diet and regular training, you can reach and maintain, the weight and body shape you desire. It is well known that exercising regularly and eating right can help avoid excess weight gain, but it also improves your cardiovascular health and boost your immune system. For instance, skipping breakfast could raise your blood pressure, increasing in the amount of fat storage. Meanwhile, eating a well balanced, healthy breakfast, you steer clear of becoming overly hungry later and binge eating unhealthy food. One way you could begin this change would be to eat more vegetables, such as broccoli and celery. Another example would be to focus on eating more lean meats, such as turkey and chicken, instead of red meats that have an increased rate of causing high cholesterol. Keeping in mind that dieting is only part of the way to living a happy, healthy lifestyle you will eventually have to also begin a consistent workout routine. This does not mean that everyday you must kill yourself by running for miles or lifting weights.

    Taking into account, the correct diet and workout schedule, typically will help your body combat an immense amount of diseases. It is well known that unhealthy habits can lead to many different kinds of illnesses such as, heart disease, strokes, and high cholesterol putting them at risk for many other diseases later on in life. Things such as eating fast food, being lazy, and drinking unhealthy substances such as, alcohol and soda will increase your chances of becoming ill. Steering clear of foods such as french fries, processed and cured meats, and any kind of sugary foods, such as candy and sugary cereals. These detrimental habits are not an infrequent circumstance in most people’s everyday life. In order to keep yourself from drinking those unhealthy, sugar-filled drinks, replace them with teas sweetened with honey, or some natural juices. By taking into consideration what you are putting into your body and using as fuel, you can help prevent any oncoming disease your body may attract.

    In addition, by eating right and working out properly, you could be doing right for your body as well as your mind. In recent studies, it shows that when you are exercising on a regular basis and giving your body the proper amount of nutrients everyday your brain releases these things called endorphins,a chemical in your brain that reduces your perception of pain and also triggers a positive feeling similar to the effects of morphine. The releasing of these endorphins can cause a feeling of relaxation throughout your body, and leaving you in a better, happier mood. All you need to do is set aside about thirty minutes a day for a slight jog in the park, at the gym, or even just around the block. In addition to this, the proper diet and workout routines will better your physique, leading to a boost in self-esteem and an increase in wanting to maintain these new routines in your everyday life to keep looking and feeling your absolute best. These assumptions may not apply to every single individual, but by adopting the appropriate diet and keeping a consistent workout routine, individuals can learn to control and sustain their own physical appearance, boost their confidence, and live a happy healthy lifestyle.

    Finally, adopting a healthy diet and consistent workout schedule may not be for everyone, but for most people it is a positive thing in their lives and helps them to live longer, feel more achieved and look the way they feel they look the best. In conclusion, by embracing the correct diet and a persistent workout schedule, you could acquire a knowledge for maintaining the weight you desire, prevent future contraction of illnesses, and help boost your mood and self confidence.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Adopting a Healthy Lifestyle Essay. (2021, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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