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    Adolescence Effect on Sports Participation and Social Life

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    With more Adolescence playing in sports at school and travel ball there is a push to examine the effects that sports and the social lives that they attempt to have. Does afterschool activities cause stress to adolescence? How do parents effect their own children? What are the parents goals for their child? How does this impact the relationships with their friends and their ability to interact socially and emotionally? How much does sports practice effect the student performance in school each week? How does sports participation effect skills later on in life? How Do student athletes express themselves in the classroom as well as being around the team? Finally how do boys and girls differ in their motivation as a sports participant?

    All these questions we are asking are valid questions to be asking. First off, Let’s talk about the athlete and how they perform under stress and maintain professionalism at a young age. Perfectionism is an accomplishment characteristic that is well understood to be much more common among today’s athletes (Flett and Hewitt, 2005). Although athletes do adapt to change easier (e.g., Gould, Dieffenbach, and Moffett, 2002; Rees et al., 2016; Sarkar and Fletcher, 2014), Research has shown perfectionism is an extremely volatile to several different psychological difficulties in the world of youth sports. There is also a lot of evidence that depicts that perfectionistic athletes have an increase ability to be highly stress reactive, cope poorly to failing and see failure as weakness, and suffer from over usage (e.g., Dunn, Gotwals, Dunn, and Syrotuik, 2006; Hill and Curran, 2016; Hill, Hall, Duda, and Appleton, 2011). Being professional is often hard for adolescence but, coaches and parents alike are often preaching to their kids. Stress can also sneek up on adolescence and can trigger a multitude of problems. One of the many causal factors is sports injuries, they are undoubtedly physical injuries that are out of the control of the child, psychosocial factors can also contribute to injury vulnerability.

    One example, several investigators have reported a hand full of predictable relations between big life events and athletic injuries (Bramwell, Masuda, Wagner, & Holmes, 1975; Cryan & Alles, 1983). Second off, let’s start by talking about the how parents effect their children when participating in sports during adolescence. One specific thing parents like to socialize about how parents think their child is the best at the sport they are participating in (Flett et al., 2002). This brings conflict to the parent and child where the child may look to their parents for aproval and get upset and may experience withdrawal from the parent (Barber, 1996). It is especially common to see this in the reward center of the brain, like sports, children look to feel that love and affection are used to reinforce a child who has met their parents’ expectations but shut down when they do not (Assor, Roth, and Deci, 2004). Parents have to be mindful of this because they can really damage their Childs self-esteem. To date, no research has been examined into the relationship between parental conditional regard and the child and athletes’ perfectionism. However, in the controlling parenting styles there have been signs that show it can be problematic for young athletes’ to find that motivation and well-being of the child (e.g., Holt, Tamminen, Black, Mandigo, and Fox, 2009; Juntumaa, Keskivaara, and Punamaki, 2005; Knight, Little, Harwood, and Goodger, 2016). This can often lead to a multitude of issues with the parent and the Childs relationship either positive or negative. Parents are often looked to guide their children through their lives until they can take and apply that to their own lives. This can be more difficult for some parents then others.

    The last few decades of research in sports psychology there has reflected a growing interest in the involvement of parents in sports. Researchers have looked at child and coach perspectives to investigate both the positive and negative aspects of parental involvement (e.g., Gould, Lauer, Rolo, Jannes, and Pennisi, 2006, 2008; Wolfenden and Holt, 2005). Some parents love to be involved in their child’s lives and being a Head Coach or an Assistant Coach is one of many ways to be involved. Some parents are better than others at balancing these boundaries, knowing when to push the envelope and when to let it go as a parent. Research looked for “Insight into what influences parental involvement in sports can be drawn from the work of Eccles and colleagues (e.g., Eccles, 1993; Eccles, Wigfield, & Shiefele, 1998), who created a model of parental influences on children’s motivation and achievement” (Knight, Camilla J., Dorsch, Travis E., Osai, Keith V. Haderlie, Kyle L., Sellars, Paul A.). Often times parents want to be involved and only want to help their children. They see it as their responsibility as a parent to coach them. Some children see this as a good thing, most would rather learn from someone else show them because they think their parents are embarrassing. Beyond moral responsibility to teach their child a sport the parent loves, it has also been suggested that parents’ own sport experiences has an impact on the manners in which they get involved in the childs life. For example, when looking at the history of talented athletes, parents have shown to introduce their children to the sports in which they competed or participated themselves (Bloom, 1985; Côté, 1999). Parents have an enormous impact on their children when they participate in an extra caricular activity like sports. Parents also do not want to embarrass their child to the point where it effects the child’s self-esteem. Parents cant help them selves, they want their child to be just like them and that is often a mastake parents make that can effect the child at school and while participating in Sports.

    More and more children are getting involved in sports, forty-four million children take part in community sports leagues in the United States (National Council of Youth Sports, 2008). Because parents are behind the principal purpose these experiences (Fredricks & Eccles, 2005), youth sport is extremely important in regards to a family line of communication. Parents like putting their child in sports at whatever cost in may be. Parent chirping instructions from the sideline is a behavior and a significant form of communication from the parent to the child because it depicts the number one method of parent involvement while at a child’s sporting events. The one-way mind of the parent is to be supportive and controlling verbally while on the sideline. This may lead to goals possessed by the parent (Dorsch, Travis E., Smith, Alan L., Wilson, Steven R., McDonough, Meghan H.). Parent are indevidualistic towrds their child in this way. Socially children playing a sports who grow up playing sports develop cognativly and emotionally. “A typical dictionary definition of hope as “a desire and the confident expectation of its fulfillment” captures one of the fundamental reasons that humans enjoy sporting activities” (Osterhoudt, 1978). Hope is big for adolescence, Especially with there self-esteem.

    They hope to make the team in a tryout, they hope to fit in. In study one they looked at what has not been explored to date, however, is the future causes of hope when compared to academic or sport activities of student-athletes. The general purpose of the present studies, therefore, was to begin investigations into the reality of hope in two areas that may be important to student-athletes and their academic and sport achievements (Curry, Lewis A., Snyder, C. R., Cook, David L., Ruby, Brent C. Rehm, Michael). Students who are student-athletes can be very important to adolescence. The importance is a scholarship to a prestigious school. Students who truly want to advance in school and have little to no debt when normal people would pay a lot more. There is a study that looks at how head start children and normal start children and how this effects them socially and athletically. In this study, they looked at teachers’ beliefs about former Head Start children now in their classrooms, and how teachers’ beliefs related to the children’s test performance. To provide insight on teachers’ beliefs about these children, we also showed what teachers’ beliefs about other children in their classrooms who had not attended school earlier then others possibly because they were not eligible (for income reasons etc.) to do so. (Wigfield, Allan. Galper, Alice., Denton, Kristin., Seefeldt, Carol). Often times the students who have early start are placed there for one reason or another. Some parents put their child in a school as early as four for personal reasons or for athletic reasons. During adolescence parents are often the last person to know there troubles. Teens use things their peers think and apply it to their lives. When they really need to have adults who can guide them though difficult decisions. Adults have experience and adolescence will listen to everybody but, their parents.

    People should be mindful in the lives of adolescents? Adolescents are takinga significant amount of risks with their safty, there is little to know regards to their lives, and their future is more unknown than ever before. The number of births by teenage girls has been on the rise by more than half since 1980; marijuana use among eighth-graders has doubled in just the past three years; arrests of adolescence for murder and manslaughter, which has gone up 60% since 1980; and the drop out rate in some of our city schools are on the rise as it approaches 50%. There can be a tremendous cost for these actions for our children and the world we live in can be staggering; not only now but for many years to come (Danish & Nellen, 1997). Parents need to be mindful and know that their adolescent has the idea of a personal fable with is when the teen is oblivious to whet they are actually doing to themselves. How should we intervene? The sudy says they believe we need to teach a group targeted like many adolescence who may be troubled, and teach them how to make comand decisions and have success in the environments in which they live. The study suggested doing life planning, being self-reliant, and being able to seek help from an adult (Danish, D’Augelli & Ginsberg, 1984). It should be a requirement to have a life skills class and should involve futuristic planning and financial planning. Most people graduate high school without the knowledge of knowing what to do next. Most choose college and that is great especially for athletes but some athletes also have to find themselves too. Student athletes are amazing, they have to be a student and succeed in the classroom as well as succeeding in their sport.

    It is sometimes hard to realize that these students are looked at highly because they can achieve in the classroom and sometimes multiple sports with in a school year. Both sport and schoolwork impact many lives of U.S. adolescents. Yet, in this study of achievement and motivation, were examined together. The study explored the possibility that there could be a link to pull these measures of achievement-related individual differences would differ for sports and school and that it may be harder to notice (Duda, Joan L., Nicholls, and John G.) The common thread that achievement and motivation are link does not surprise, there are so many ways why humans are motivated and how we are so adept to want good quality things. In the study they present work, satisfaction and boredom that took place in the classroom were primarily depicted by personal achievements (Duda, et., al.). Teachers, coaches and students have to work together to decrease boredom and promote success in the classroom otherwise the athlete will struggle. Boys and girls are different in they have motivations and goals that they want to achieve personally. This study first gave a definition of sports and, in the first major part, show that there is a lot of evidence for the sex difference in males and females and their sports interest, both in playing and also the ones they find interest in watching (Deaner, Robert O., Balish, Shea M., Lombardo, Michael P.).

    Motivation or fans what ever the case there looks to be some key differences between genders. Although most people recognize that males generally exhibit greater sports interest than females, some argue that differences in watching sports and playing sports do not represent differences in interest (Brake, 2010; Hogshead-Makar & Zimbalist, 2007). The key is to separate the differences from the similarities in reguards to males and females and are difference in motivation.

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    Adolescence Effect on Sports Participation and Social Life. (2022, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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