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    Absolute rock performance Essay

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    On Thursday, December 4th, there was a presentation called Absolute Rock, performed by the Corporate Saturday Rock Band and Absolute Leadership Development, which was happening in the Gym that afternoon. I personal really like the presentation, and I think it was excellent performed because of the three following reasons: 1/ How it was started. The begging is often one of the most important parts in a presentation, and because of the unique start of this presentation, it became one of the best presentations I ever seen. It started with some great rock music, which many students in our school really like it.

    So when the grade 7 and 8 students walked into the Gym, we were all really excited about it. And I believe the Rock not only helped the students focused and enjoyed the presentation a lot, but also became the main reason that we participated actively in the presentation. Also, those rock music not only sounded great, but also had some sort of theme and idea about the presentation in it, so I think when people heard them, they can probably figure out a little bit of what the presentation was about. So I think the director really put a lot of time and effort to create this successful beginning for the presentation. 2/ The effective personal experiences from several speakers and some true facts that were given out on the presentation. After heard several wonderful rock music, the second part of the presentation, which were some true personal experiences of the some speakers from the Corporate Saturday Rock Band and Absolute Leadership Development.

    For example, Bobby (one of the guitar players of the Corporate Saturday) was one of the speakers. He said that when he was in high school, he was always making fun and being rude to his friends and classmates, because he thought that is how people should act in high school. But that caused his friends started not to hang out with him for a while. When he found out about that, he tried to act nice to everybody and not only everything was going back to normal again, but he also got many new friends because of that.

    So not only the Bobby and other speakers were tried to use their personal experiences to develop our characters, but they also believed that we can change the social, or even the world by doing small things, and if we keep going, not only more people will join and help us and we would become a bigger team, but also we can actually see the results and things will change more if we continue to do it. Some shock facts were also given in the video that we watched during the presentation.

    For example, average people lie 3 times in every minute of a conversation, and this fact really shocked me, because I always saw people lying at school, and some of the lies were even white lies, and I never thought lying was something wrong before. But after watched this video, I learned that sometimes lying, even a really small lie can cause serious problem, such as lead to a fight and cause physical and psychological damages to others.

    So I decided that I would try not to lie for my whole life, and I also hope that people around me can stop lying too. Because maybe one day, lying might cause you to be the one who got physical injuries or psychological damages. 3/ The funny activities. I remember there is also an activity in the presentation that three students went onto the stage and rock with the band as hard as they can. After that, those three students switched with the three teachers the students chose to rock on the stage, which made a lot of students laughed. So I think the activity was tried to show the other side of teacher’s heart- can be really crazy with something too. They always acted seriously in school, because that is their job. I think the overall presentation was really impressive and I really like the way that the presentation was organized. I also learned a lot of things from the presentation.

    I remember that at the end of the presentation, the one of the hosts of the presentation told us the website of Absolute Rock. I think it would be interesting to find out more information about this organization, so I went on to “” this Wednesday. And I found a lot of information that talk about the organization and what the organization does: 1/ Absolute was officially registered as a non-profit charity with the Government of Canada on January 1, 2000, and it was founded by Vaden and Christal Earle. 2/ Vaden and Christal found this organization because they realized that teenagers are seek to make an impact, and try to find a purpose larger than themselves.

    So began to envision a generation of youth who focused their thoughts and energies on helping others and who were themselves changed in the process and developed the Absolute organization and Absolute motivational assembly. 3/ Their goal is to empower emerging generations to change their world by living their lives with purpose. 4/ To reach their goal, they put a lot of time and effort on planning and taking hundreds of students to engage in humanitarian relief work to presenting a message of hope to hundreds of thousands. A good example for it would be the Hero Holiday, which is program that provides opportunities for high school students to participate in humanitarian relief projects by bringing practical assistance, such as building homes, distributing supplies, providing food, mobile medical clinics to those living in extreme poverty.

    The reason that they started this trip is because they believe that youth has the capacity to affect change on the earth. 5/ After their hard work for two years, the Absolute staff (volunteer and paid) has grown from three to thirty, and over 600,000 young people have attended the assemblies which have developed into outstanding multi-media presentations aimed specifically at the teenage audience and the programs for teenagers, such as humanitarian aid trips, leadership training and internship programs.

    Just like what the goal of absolute organization is: to empower emerging generations to change their world by living their lives with purpose and I believe that every teenager, every adult, or even every child has dreams and purposes in their life, although some of it is “selfish” dreams. For example, earning a lot of money; become a president of a country; own the biggest house on the planet; or even become the richest man in the world. But the point is, whatever your dream is, you still have the power to change the world. For example, if you become the richest man in the world, you can change the world by donate money to those countries that are in need. And I believe not only you can help the people in those countries, you can also promote your company’s reputation at the same time. So if you have a chance to do something that can change the poor conditions that some counties are now in, I think you should do it!

    My first reaction to the absolute organization, and the presentation was shock, shock and shock. Because I never thought there was somebody in our country has a dream like that- empower emerging generations to change their world by living their lives with purpose. But they did not just let it “stay” as a dream forever, they used really actions to achieve their dream; to make it come true. For example, they put a lot of time and effort to organize the THINK DAY school presentations; to create an excellent website for the organization; to plan the Hero Holiday for teenagers and adults.

    They did all these, because they want people to realize: even though we are small, we can still change the world. So I think more people should join this organization, and become one of the members of this amazing organization. Because not only help the organization achieve their goals, but you can also help those people that are in need to achieve their dreams. So please help by join the team immediately.

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    Absolute rock performance Essay. (2017, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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