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    Abortion in America Essay (421 words)

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    One of the most debated issues in America is abortion: Pro-life or pro-choice. This is a decision that each person has to make for him or herself. Many people say that abortion is the woman’s choice. I firmly believe, however, that if the woman is willing to have sex, she should be willing to suffer the consequences. Being a female myself, I am now with the consequences of choosing to be sexually active.

    But after hearing that innocent heartbeat, I know it will be worth it. Not everyone feels this way. Over one million babies will be aborted this year because of the careless actions of the sexually active. When Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, it was because a woman was raped and became pregnant due to those unfortunate circumstances, not because she was looking for the easy way out (Schmitt). Abortion has become a form of birth control.

    Instead of using condoms, birth control, and the best form, abstinence, women have turned to killing the innocent. Abortion is at an all time high. Once a sperm and an egg meet, the egg is fertilized. You then have a new human being. You have the total DNA, everything that human being will ever be (Pro-Life). This is not an ant to be stepped on; this is a human life being put to an end because of the negligence of two people (National).

    In the last few years, the right to die has been a highly debated issue in America. Should people with terminal illnesses be able to choose whether they live or die? I feel this relates well to the issue of abortion. Being pregnant is not a terminal illness. It’s not an illness at all.

    It’s a live, breathing, growing human being. Shouldn’t that human being have the right to life? Lawmakers have said that people do not have the right to die, so why can’t a baby have the right to live?Life is a precious thing, whether inside or outside of the body. It is not something to be toyed with or taken granted of. A baby, no matter what form they’re in, is precious and important.

    And no matter what mistakes were made by the parents, that baby should have the right to live. It’s not a choice; it’s a baby. BibliographyWorks CitedNational Right to Life. Online. Internet.

    12 Nov. 1999. Available: www. Nrlc. org.

    Pro-Life Action League. Online. Internet. 12 Nov. 1999.

    Available: www. Prolifeaction. orgSchmit, Eric. Abortion Timeline. The New York Times. Online.

    Internet. 12 Nov. 1999. Available: www.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Abortion in America Essay (421 words). (2019, Jan 28). Retrieved from

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