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    A well spent life brings a happy death Essay

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    Through rills, hills, ups and downs.

    Through laughter, smiles, tears and frowns.

    Day after day, you have survived,

    Day after day, you continue to strive.

    The stress was evident through every day,

    But you managed to conquer it in every way.

    A year goes by, and you’re about to go.

    Goodbye to us, and to the world HELLO.

    You only live once, so live it right.

    Try and work hard with all your might.

    The 3 ingredients for the perfect life,

    Are that you learn, earn and work day and night.

    Live a fully, fulfilling and satisfactory day,

    Don’t let any imbecile get in your way.

    Reach for the stars, reach for the moon,

    Live as if your life is ending soon.

    You’ve got to strive to do your utmost best,

    And at the end of the day, you can peacefully rest.

    A farmer spends hours to sow and reap,

    His hard and well-spent day brings a happy sleep.

    The ups and downs are just another factor,

    Just live through life as your own kind of character.

    Don’t let harsh words ever change your style,

    And if anything ever happens triple 7 is the number to dial.

    Just smile at anything that may weigh you down,

    And never let anything make you frown.

    Life is a dream just fantasize through it all,

    Do just as I say and you shall never fall.

    Live life to the fullest with every breath,

    for a well spent life brings a happy death.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A well spent life brings a happy death Essay. (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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