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    A Wedding Disaster Essay (710 words)

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    Everyone goes through some experiences that they don’t feel like sharing with anyone. Some label these experiences as “most embarrassing” or others treat it totally differently. What makes us “us” are the experiences that we go through,and these experiences play an important role. Few psychologist believe that memorable or embarrassing experiences shape up a person’s character,and a person learns how to deal with experiences like these in the future. Like everyone,I too have an embarrassing experience to share.

    I had many embarrassing experiences but this one is the most embarrassing one. I was six years old and it was a rainy day in the month of April. It was a special occasion for my whole family. Especially for my aunt. It was her wedding day. All of my cousins were playing outside the wedding hall,and It had just stopped raining. I decided to join in the fun. We were all around six to eight years of age. We decided to play hide and seek. We started playing in a small garden right next to the wedding hall.

    This garden was beautiful,but what we hadn’t noticed was that there was mud everywhere because it just stopped raining. We started playing and soon after it was my turn to seek. I counted to twelve and started to seek out my cousins one by one. I managed to seek out two of my cousins. I suddenly saw one of cousins hid near the shrubs. I decided to run towards the shrub thinking if I walk towards the shrubs then he would know that I’m coming to seek him out and he would just run away and change his hiding spot. I totally forgot that it had rained earlier and it was muddy everywhere.

    As I was running,I slipped and fell in the mud around the shrub and fell on my back. Initially I had no idea what just had happened. I found myself lying on my back around a big oak tree and a shrub,and I was covered in thick mud. All I could think of that time was “I was running a minute agohow did I end up here? ”. My clothes were all muddy,they were covered in mud from shoulders to toe. When I saw what had happened to the wedding clothes my parents had bought me for this special occasion I panicked and I started crying.

    I thought that one of my cousins pushed me in the mud as it would be funny for them to see me slip. My cousin helped me get up and told me that I had slipped when I was running. Only reason I could not remember what actually happened was because I panicked and blacked out for a minute before realizing what had actually happened. Thankfully,I was not hurt, but my clothes were now covered in mud. When my cousin was helping me get up all I could see was that the other kids were laughing and making fun of me.

    They were laughing at me. They were laughing at me because I was the only one at the wedding who was covered in mud,and in the manner I slipped in the mud was “hysterical” for them. Instead of helping me out they were just standing there and laughing like maniacs just except one who was helping me out. As I was being helped I could hear some kids whisper something to each other. Few of them were calling me a “cry baby” and a few were labeling me a “party pooper” because I had ruined the party for them.

    I felt really bad that I had caused this great disturbance for everyone. I thought that I have ruined it for everyone. I felt as if I had commited a crime against humanity at that moment. I was disappointed in my self. I specifically remember this one fat kid who was laughing at me hysterically and constantly pointing at me with a mud ball in his hand. Experiences like these are learning moments. A person should learn from these experiences. If someone has gone through experiences like these then they would know how to deal with it in a better manner.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Wedding Disaster Essay (710 words). (2018, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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