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    A Study of Mankind Antigone Essay

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    A Study of Mankind “Antigone”We all make inadvertent or unsuitable decisions throughout our lives. It is the real-world hamartia of human character. The problem is, we often realize this all too late; learning from our mistakes as one would say. So naturally an individual learns as they he or she has been taught.

    Then again, what of those who never learn, or those who are so blind to this fact that they bring about events so avoidable it is laughable? These are the people that you meet for just an instance, say at a party, and then you realize that you are restraining yourself from punching a tooth down their throat. Its that annoying feeling you get when a fly lands on your arm, you swat, it flies to your other, arm you swat, and the cycle continues. But these people cannot be swat away into the uninhabited portions of our minds as was done with the humble fly. Left unchecked their social blindness will trigger events whose results are seldom agreeable.

    This leads to question, Can we stop this psychological pandemic? A man can spend his life searching for a cure or even a treatment, and yield nothing. But he who claims to have unlocked the secret will be praised and worship. Yet in reverse isnt such a claim the result of the disease itself? A man who claims to have achieved perfection of mind, of ego, isnt that the sort of declaration that is analogous to the very illness itself? I deem such miracles a ruse or fallacy. It is human nature to suffer from the same emotional disease, arrogance. Nothing has changed in regard to arrogance, nor will it ever. The memory of that brisk winter night pierces through my head like the stadium lights had done that same night.

    It was down to the wire; playoffs or next year. One pass determined that result. No quarterback likes this position; from pee wee to NFL, the feeling is mutual. So I cannot imagine what Brice Cutter was thinking in the seconds prior to the ball being hiked into his hands, initiating the last and final play of the game, and possibly Brices career. The command was given and the play commenced.

    Needless to say the opposing teams defense was useless in providing a challenge. The cliffhanger was disposed of and our team walked of the field with thoughts of the state championship on their minds. Sports have a strange effect upon those who partake in its sweet intoxications. They have a strange way of changing a persons mood or even personality. Win or lose; two words seemingly harmless, but are truly the prime examples of a double edged sword.

    A player attached his or herself to the game, devotes his or her life to the moment, the one kick, the one hit, the one score. After sitting behind Brice in homeroom for two years strait, Ive grasped such a concept quite tightly. Not to mention that I, being an athlete, have seen such effects amongst my teammates. The same could be said for positions of leadership. Creon, the king and protagonist in the tragedy of Antigone, has forgotten the laws of the gods worshipped by those he rules. He becomes more concerned with the laws made by man.

    This is due to the fact that he desires perfect order and reform in his nation. Without his position of leadership his thoughts would have been more clear allowing him to see that a perfect synthesis of mans and gods laws is much more agreeable to the citizens. Regardless, Brice was worshiped. He had taken our team to the playoffs for the first time in years, and the town openly showed their approval.

    Even Josh Leland my, best-friend-for-ever, anti-everything, companion became interested in owning a piece of Brices attention. He acquired what he sought. After the game Josh and Brice were going to the local club along with the rest of the members of the student who had half a sense of popularity. Naturally, I went along, not entirely willing however, yet still glad to be doing something. I arrived to an empty club; no DJ, no music.

    The doors

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    A Study of Mankind Antigone Essay. (2019, Jan 30). Retrieved from

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