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    A Road Trip to North Dakota Essay

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    My journey to North Dakota was very awesome and interesting but full of good memory and experience. The journey started on a faithful Saturday morning April 4, 2015, I was very happy to start the journey. I always like road trip because I can see a lot of things like trees, different type of animal and meet different people. A day before the journey, I took my car to the car care for both body and engine inspection. All the broken parts were replaced and both the inside and outside of the car was thoroughly washed.

    On Saturday, I packed all my bags and those things needed for the trip, I placed some inside the trunk and others inside the car. The road trip to North Dakota was the longest road trip of my life. On the Saturday morning April 4, 2015 around 10am, the so called trip started with one of my friend called Sam. The main purpose of this trip was to pay some of our friends in the North Dakota visit and party with them because both of us were on vacation.

    I told Sam, we need to buy some gas and he said there are a lot of gas station on our way so we buy from them. I said ok, put the address on GPS and he did so. I drove like fifty miles and there was no gas station along the road. The gas inside the car was very low that it cannot last for more than twenty miles again. At this point, we looked for the nearest city where we can buy gas. We left our main route to North Dakota and followed another path that lead to the nearest city we can buy gas.

    Lamesa was the city we got the gas from, at this point our GPS re-routed and followed another direction that lead to North Dakota. My phone was used as GPS this faithful day, it lead us to some very scary road which was full of farmland and bushes. When we got to the middle of the road, my phone lost network and the GPS was not responding again. We were so afraid because there were no buildings around this place, all we saw was farmland and some cows grazing on the grasses.

    I just kept driving straight until we got to Colorado state where we found one restaurant. We had a stopover at this restaurant for like two hours before we started the journey again. We used this restaurant wifi to set our GPS again. We drove through many state like Oklahoma, Colorado, Denver, Kansas, Nebraska and South Dakota. This journey made me to know all these states and I was so excited because traveling is part of education. Life at North Dakota was so peaceful and interesting but the weather condition over there was very harsh.

    It was extremely cold that we could not go and have some fun out. The place is full of mountain, hill and very high rocks. The roads were constructed on hills and mountain, I was very scared driving on the road because beside the road there were very deep pits. It took us 26 hours to complete the journey, we drove 1,350 miles from Odessa to North Dakota. I was so tired and sleepy when we got to North Dakota. I slept for two days before my body came back to normal and I said to myself “I will never drive thousands of miles in my life again. “

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    A Road Trip to North Dakota Essay. (2018, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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