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    15th Century: Italy II

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    What are orthogonal lines?
    Imaginary lines that lead to the vanishing point
    Which artist developed linear perspective?
    What did the invention of linear perspective allow artists to do?
    Represent the visual world in a realistic way
    What is linear perspective?
    A method artists use to create the illusion of space
    Which artist created the building seen in the image below?
    Which artist created the building seen in the image below?
    Alberti (Leon Battista Alberti)
    How did Brunelleschi solve his problem with the dome of the Florence Cathedral?
    He created many layers of support within the dome. (?)
    Which of the following buildings is considered a hallmark of Renaissance architecture?
    Palazzo Rucellai
    The dome pictured below is part of which structure?
    The dome pictured below is part of which structure?
    Florence Cathedral
    What is the vanishing point?
    All of the above (the point where you can no longer see the image, the point where all imaginary lines converge, the point where the image fades)
    What classical features are included in the Palazzo Rucellai?
    Superimposed columns
    Where is the vanishing point in the image below?
    Where is the vanishing point in the image below?
    right under the window panes at the end of the hallway.
    What interesting feature did Alberti use on each floor of the Palazzo Rucellai?
    Each floor has a different type of classically inspired column.
    What was the focus of Renaissance art?
    All of the above (harmony, math, ancient Rome)
    Which of the following was a popular art form during the 15th century?
    All of the above (murals, frescos, sculptures)
    What famous classical building exhibits impost blocks that architects of the Renaissance used as inspiration?
    the Roman Colosseum

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    15th Century: Italy II. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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