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    13.1 The Renaissance In Italy

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    What did the Europeans call the age of Renaissance? What was it a transition from?
    The Renaissance marked the transition from medieval times
    What was the difference between Medieval and Renaissance thinkers?
    Medieval scholars had focused more on religious beliefs and spirituality. In contrast, Renaissance thinkers explored the richness and variety of human experience and placed a new emphasis on individual achievement
    What spirit did the Renaissance people had that led them to explore new worlds (or reexamine old ones)?
    Spirit of adventure and a wide ranging curiosity
    What were the main characteristics of the Renaissance?
    Reawakening interest in the classical learning of Greece and Rome and the expression of humanism
    How did Italy’s location help with trade?
    Because it helped encourage trade with markets on the eastern Mediterranean, northern Africa and northern Europe
    What was each small Italian city-state ruled by?
    A powerful family and a wealthy merchant class.
    Describe the Medici family and what they did.
    The Medici family of Florence were merchants and bankers who’s great wealth had influenced and transformed Florence
    Why was Italy a favorable setting for the Renaissance?
    It had been the center of the Roman empire and has many ports
    A. What themes did Renaissance artist use in their paintings?
    B. What techniques did they start using?
    A1. Religion
    A2. Humanism
    A3. Greco-Roman
    B1. Used rules of perspective
    B2. 3D
    B3. Shading
    Who was Francesco Petrarch?
    Assembled a library of Greek and Roman manuscripts in monasteries and churches
    Who was Leonardo da Vinci?
    Painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
    Who was Michelangelo?
    Created the statues David and the Pieta
    Also designed the dome of St. Peter’s Catedral
    Who was Raphael?
    Blended Christian and classical styles
    Painted the School of Athens
    How were Renaissance ideals reflected in the arts?
    Artists emphasized classical subjects and the human form, and they employed new techniques for showing subjects more realistically
    Who was Baldassare Castiglione?
    Author of The Book of the Courtier, which describes the manners, skills, learning and virtues that a member of the court should have
    Who was Niccolo Machiavelli?
    Wrote a guide, The Prince, for rulers on how to gain and maintain power
    How did Renaissance writings express realism?
    Because they provided a realistic look in the world around them
    Define humanism
    an intellectual movement
    Define humanities
    subjects such as grammar, rhetoric, poetry, and history
    Define patron
    financial supporter

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    13.1 The Renaissance In Italy. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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