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    10 different versions of the game Essay

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    Due to various problems that a minority of Championship Manager 3 users experienced, the team at Sports Interactive worked hard on solving them and also enhanced and improved many areas of the game. This has resulted in the release of a number of free updates so that Championship Manager 3 could be enjoyed by everyone. What is expected to be the final update of the original Championship Manager 3 has just been released and includes many enhancements and improvements. This is known as version 3. 04e and has incorporated a lot of the suggestions given to us by many Championship Manager 3 users around the world.

    Version 3. 04e now allows you to play the game in three new languages – these are Spanish, Norwegian and Swedish. A completely new re-written version of Championship Manager has just been released titled “Championship Manager 4” after an almost year long wait and 4 expansion packs later the game is now running quite well without as many bugs as in the original release. Many fans of the game though see it as a failure after months of wait and 4 delays later the game came out full of bugs even after almost 5 months of testing by over 100 people!

    SI Games have worked hard to correct these bugs providing expansion packs which fix the bugs released on the website and in the Championship Manager magazines which are released every few months. Overall Paul & Oliver Collyer created a very addictive life like football management game which many people find enjoyment out of and I bet they never thought 20 Years ago when starting work on the first version of what is now known as Championship Manager would ever prove to be this successful and end up producing over 10 different versions of the game.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    10 different versions of the game Essay. (2017, Nov 13). Retrieved from

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