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    Wretched misery Essay (655 words)

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    Loneliness is by far the most painful emotion experienced in the novel. With reference to at least two characters show how this is reflected within the novel? In Frankenstein, all of the key characters experience loneliness, this shows that it exists for a variety of reasons. This indicates its significance in the novel and exhibits the numerous reasons through the happenings of the central characters. When Mary Shelley was young, she felt alone as a child, as did two of her characters, Walton and the monster.

    However, it must be acknowledged that society imposed isolation on the monster and because of Victor’s actions whereas it was self inflicted with Walton. Through certain devices, Shelley presents the agony of a character and compels us to sympathize as she explores the effects, both physical and emotional, of dissociation. The circular structure that Frankenstein was written in aids us to understand the outcome of burdened misery of being companionless. Walton begins the novel with a series of letters to his sister, Mrs.

    Sarville, as he attempts to keep in contact with the people he loves and cares for. Since his position on the ship is of a high rank, this leaves Walton feeling friendless as there is a distance among him and the other members of his crew. However, the reader must recognize that this was done through Walton’s own choice, for his passion of finding “a land never before imprinted by the foot of man” and ideals. The letters also provide minor characters with a voice and give the reader an insight to what the character feels. As we witness no response from Mrs.

    Sarville, we can only assume this is done because Shelley tries to show that women of this era could not respond with thoughts of their own as it was a male dominated world. This also builds up our sympathy for Walton. “I have no friend” and “I desire the company of a man” are short simple sentences which repeat and expose the idea of isolation, however, from background knowledge mentioned in the letter, it is understood that Walton is self educated and has always had a life of solitude. Through hyperbole, Shelley encourages our sympathy for Walton.

    When Victor enters Walton’s life, it is shown that Walton believes that Victor and he have distinct similar qualities and also believes that he will befriend Victor, therefore justifying his over reaction to this “interesting” guest upon his boat. Another character that experiences desolation is the monster which Victor Frankenstein created. However, society rejects him because of his grotesque appearance, although it is seen because of Victor choosing to abandon his creation, that he is imposed upon a life of wretched misery.

    From the beginning of chapter eleven, the monster narrates and tells Victor what has happened since the day of Victor’s abandonment. Certain terminology that the monster uses makes us believe that he is utterly tormented by his “hideous” appearance and the thought of his “accursed creator” angers him. This is also revealed through the use of exclamation marks, short phrases such as “seizing” and “save and protect me! ” when asking De Lacey to accept and protect him. The readers benefit from the circular structure of the novel as we have an insight to the monster’s feelings during his narration.

    As we see, he is a victim of isolation because of Victor. The monster has a time where he learns from Felix and his family, and “longed to join them but dared not”. This cultivates more sympathy for the monster as we now witness the monster’s sensitive side as the monster realizes he “inflicted pain upon the cottagers” and attempted to aid them by collecting a sufficient amount of wood for the “consumption of several days”. Both Walton and the monster experience loneliness, Shelley presents this in a multiple ways which expose the reader to all the characters experiences of forlornness and signals of desperation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Wretched misery Essay (655 words). (2017, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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