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    Workout Motivation: Dedication, Focus and Consistency

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    Setting workout objectives is easy for people – the challenge is doing the activities needed to achieve the set goals. When you decide to exercise, you are likely to experience multiple setbacks along the way. The manner with you which you deal with the distractions determines whether you succeed or fail.

    If you want to achieve your fitness goals, you need dedication, focus, and consistency.


    A dedicated person is one who is willing to do anything to ensure that they achieve their goals. Even when they experience challenges, dedicated people persist until they reach their target. For instance, if your fitness routine involves taking protein supplements, you will consume them even if they have an unfavourable aftertaste.

    The first step to being dedicated is changing your mindset. You need to think as an athlete if you want to achieve your fitness goals. Stop making excuses and allocate time for workouts, even if you have a tight schedule. You training sessions should last for at least an hour daily.

    Another way of staying dedicated to your course is by interacting with people who share similar goals. Look for a nearby gym and enrol for membership. If this option is not available, consider joining an online community with fitness experts, nutritionists, and people looking to regulate their body weight.


    Focus is also essential if you want to become physically fit. After an extended period of training, you might lose focus and undo all the good you had already done.

    The best way of staying focused throughout your training is by embracing variation. Sticking to the same exercises is a sure way of getting bored quickly. On the contrary, changing and mixing up keeps you focused and enables you to achieve your objectives faster.

    For example, if you start with strength training and lifting weights, you can mix it up with running and aerobic exercises. Besides improving your focus, changing your training routine regularly enhances your overall fitness. This is because the body does not get used to a specific type of exercise.

    A smart way of improving your focus is by turning on the radio or music when training. Several studies indicate that music can improve your endurance and motivate you to start exercising.

    Lastly, you can rely on coffee to improve your focus. Research shows that caffeine can increase endurance and help you stay focused. The chemical works by elevating your mood and preventing the accumulation of adenosine in your muscles. Adenosine is the substance that inhibits the production of energy and makes you feel tired. Also, being moody can interrupt your focus.


    You might have focus and dedication, but without consistency, you cannot achieve your fitness goals. When setting your goals, you need to identify the types of exercises that will allow you to attain them. Then, it would be best if you did the activities repeatedly until they become a habit. Once training becomes a habit, you will not be far off from attaining your goals.

    It is worth noting that consistency takes time to build. For instance, if your training regimen requires you to take pre-training shake before weight lifting, you need to start with smaller weights and add more kilograms progressively. Once your body adapts, it will be much easier to achieve your fitness objectives.


    It is vital to have the three qualities mentioned above if you want to become physically fit. Start by setting goals and focus on the exercises needed to achieve them. More importantly, make sure that you are consistent.

    Lastly, make sure that you measure the progress of your exercise routine. This enables you to know if you are on the right track to achieve your goals.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Workout Motivation: Dedication, Focus and Consistency. (2021, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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