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    Work Ethics are a Major Focus of Today’s Employers

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    In getting employed, soft skill is vital to dealing with peoples and to get a job. Every employee needs to have a strong set of soft skills for the workplace to be functional, positive and successful as it should be. Many companies need the candidates with outstanding soft skills in interview section and selecting section. The soft skills are used in our professional and personal life to success. The World Health Organisation define that “These are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable individuals to deal with the demands and challenges of everyday life”. There are a bunch of importance of soft skills such as work ethics, communication skills and ability to work under pressure. If employees do not have a potent of soft skills for the workplace, the workplace may become virulent and unproductive as a verdict.

    Besides, work ethics are a major focus of today’s employers. Employees must have a good work ethic skill because it will have the ability to focus on the tasks given. This skill be able to produce high-quality work frequently and motivate employees to stay on the track. A strong work ethics build confidence to complete the tasks. Positive attitude will display the eagerness to succeed while the negative attitude can destroy the goals. The important things for the fresh graduates to have in the workplace are respectfulness, dependability and accountability. Respect is important because it helps to choose a good friends and strength your character. Respect is a quality that need of giving to others and expect to get it back. When in a meeting or serve the customer, accept everyone’s opinions is a good thing to do because it shows more concern towards others. On the other hand, dependability is the most vital in the workplace. The employee must learn how to be dependable to each task and the assignment because it will show up for work on time and produces consistent in work. Additionally, accountability is a key to maintaining an ethical workplace. The employee must have accountability where being answerable for an action and responsibility to complete the ask they are assigned.

    In addition, communication is the main key to cultivate of an efficient working environment. Nowadays, communication is an important to build relationship with people and to get employed in the workplace. The candidates must know well and learn deeply about verbal and nonverbal communication skills. It will use in interview section and they will assess the candidates in body language, listening and speaking. Communication also means interacting with others to send information to other person and the person can take the action from the information. Effective communication must be clear, complete and correct. Body language is a sign language that use to communicate which physical behaviour such as postures, facial, expression, eye gaze, gestures and tone of voice. Body language is an important thing to understand and it help to receive the message when communicate. Moreover, listening and speaking are the verbal communication skills. Most people have a good in hearing but not good in listening skills. Listening in communication skills are vital to get a job because it help in listen to something more efficacious and understand what listeners want to deliver while speaking is a communication technique in convey information in a right way and help the listeners to understand. Further, as James Morrish explained that “Public speaking and presentation skills are important tools in the world of business. I was happy to give up my time to providing guidance on the development of these skills to a very talented group of graduates”.

    Furthermore, time management is another soft skill to get the job. The goal of this skill is to make the things or the tasks without wasting time. It is about self-discipline and difficult to practice. The employee should master this soft skill and learn to use the time more efficiently and effectively. They must good in budgeting and managing the time to work smarter and not work harder than it can less the time. As one employer said, “We want somebody who show up on time, somebody who works hard and someone who’s trainable” (Arkansas Department of Education,2007 , p. 13). There are some top skills in time management which is scheduling, prioritizing and delegation. Scheduling is the vital tools in time management and planning the activities to collect the goals. It must be done effectively to help achieve a good work-life balance and to avoid hesitate. Moreover, priority is the one of the time management. Prioritizing need more attention, energy and time to identify the important tasks but not every task are important. The less crucial tasks move the work closer to the short term goals while the most critical tasks act the work to the long term goals. Next, delegation help save time for management. Fresh graduates must learn to delegate the responsibility on the task. Delegate is to assign a specific task to someone else and give them the authority to complete the task. This tool allows more work to be complete faster.

    To summarize, nowadays soft skills are important for getting employed because it make organization more profitable. The work ethics, communication skills and the time management are requiring to get the job. It is just a matter of cultivating the right soft skills to push yourself in the right direction for success at work.

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    Work Ethics are a Major Focus of Today’s Employers. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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