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    William Shakespeare, Sonnets, Renaissance, Reformation Test

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    What were the five authors we learned about?
    Edmund Spenser
    Philip Sidney
    Sir Walter Raleigh
    Christopher Marlowe
    What did Edmund Spenser depend on for his salary?
    His poetry. He was unlike other poets. He got paid for his poetry and that alone.
    How many lines are in a sonnet?
    What is iambic pentameter?
    14 lines
    Five groups of two syllables, each with the accent on the second syllable
    What is the spenserian sonnet form?
    abab bcbc cdcd ee
    Where did Edmund Spenser attend? and what college did he go to?
    Merchant Taylor’s School
    Cambridge University
    Where did Philip Sidney attend?
    Oxford and Cambridge
    What did Christopher Marlowe write?
    “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love”
    What do most of Christopher Marlowe’s poems focus on?
    larger than life hero, seeking to dominate everything around him
    How did Christopher Marlowe die?
    He was knifed to death in a tavern brawl
    -drunken refusal to pay bill, or because his undercover activities on behalf of the government
    What poem did Sir Walter Raleigh write?
    “The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd”
    What was Sir Walter Raleigh imprisoned for?
    Secret marriage uncovered in the Tower of London
    Married to one of the queen’s maids of honor
    What was Sir Walter Raleigh imprisoned for the second time?
    Suspected of conspiring against King James I
    How was Shakespeare’s poems written?
    abab cdcd efef gg
    What was the structure of Shakespeare’s poems?
    three quatrains, four-line stanzas
    rhyming couplet the dramatically restates or redefines a theme (gg)
    Why were theaters closed during Shakespeare’s time?
    Outbreak of the plague
    How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?
    What were Shakespeare’s sonnets about?
    time, death, love, and friendship
    Who is the “Greatest writer in English”?
    Why was Shakespeare the greatest writer in English?
    he had a deep understanding of human nature
    he had compassion for all types of people
    he had power and beauty in his language
    When and where was Shakespeare born?
    Born in Stratford-on-Avon
    NW of London
    Market town for fertile agricultural region
    Who was shakespeare’s dad?
    What was he?
    Dad: John
    Successful glove maker and businessman
    Many positions in town government
    Who was shakespeare’s mom?
    What was she?
    Mom: Mary Arden: Daughter of John’s landlord
    What did the marriage of Shakespeare’s parents do?
    increased family holdings
    but in later 1570s the family suffers financial problems
    What school did shakespeare probably go to?
    From what ages?
    Stratford Grammar school
    Ages 7-16
    When did shakespeare marry?
    Who did shakespeare marry?
    What age were the both of them at the time?
    November 1582
    Anne Hathaway
    She was 26 and pregnant and he was 18
    What were Shakespeare and Anne’s children’s names?
    When were the born?
    Susanna B. 1583
    Judith and Hamnet (twins) 1585
    Which one of shakespeare’s children dies at age 11?
    What does he die from?
    Hamnet: died from the plague
    Where did shakespeare go shortly after his twins were born?
    London as playwright
    Where were most of shakespeare’s plays performed?
    Who built it? and when? where?
    Globe theatre
    Lord Chamberlain’s Men built it
    build in 1599
    Southwark (south of Thames River)
    When does shakespeare retire?
    Where does he retire to?
    and what does he retire as?
    A prosperous middle-class man, profits from share in successful theater company
    continues to write plays
    When does shakespeare die?
    Where is he buried?
    Died April 23, 1616
    Buried in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford
    What is shakespeare’s epitaph?
    Blest be the man that spares these stones,
    And curst be he that moves my bones
    Where is there a funeral monument of shakespeare?
    Poet’s Corner in Westminister Abbey (1740)
    What didn’t william shakespeare thing of himself as?
    a “man of letters”
    What was shakespeare’s first publishing?
    When was it issued?
    How many people published it?
    How many plays did it contain of shakespeare’s?
    “First Folio”
    Issued 1623
    2 members of the theater company
    Contained 36 or the 37 plays now attributed to shakespeare
    What are two comedies that shakespeare wrote as plays?
    Midsummer Night’s Dream
    Taming of the Shrew
    What are two histories that shakespeare wrote as a play?
    Henry the 8th
    henry the 5th
    What are 4 tragedies that shakespeare wrote as plays?
    Romeo and Juliet
    How many (approximate) words did shakespeare “invent”?
    3,000 words
    What are four phrases that shakespeare developed that we use commonly today?
    What plays were they said in?
    What’s done is done (Macbeth)
    One fell swoop (Macbeth)
    With bated breath (Merchant of Venice)
    A foregone conclusion (Othello)
    When was Macbeth performed?
    What is the plot?
    Murder of scotland’s good king
    The cruel consequences for the country
    Final overthrow of the murderous usurper
    What is Macbeth a mix of?
    fact and legend
    What did Raphael Holinshed write?
    Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland
    What is Holinshed’s Chronicles about?
    Macbeth meeting witches
    Macbeth and friends kill Duncan after he names Malcolm Prince of Cumberland
    Macbeth has some claim to throne
    Banquo is Macbeth’s accomplice
    No Lady Macbeth
    What did Shakespeare’s macbeth take basis from?
    Holinshe’ds Chronicles
    What genre is Macbeth?
    Shakespeare knew how to represent both outward actions and inward though/conscience. What play did he represent this in?
    EG. Macbeth’s soliloquy Act 1

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    William Shakespeare, Sonnets, Renaissance, Reformation Test. (2017, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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