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    Why It Is Important to Respect an Nco Essay

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    Why it is important to respect an Non Commissioned Officer in the United States Army and the possible consiquences and punishments that may be given. It is important to respect an non commissioned officer in order to keep the balance in the work place. Even if its not deserved or given back to you, its still the rules of the military to show them the proper respects. Not showing them respect will result in getting yourself in unecissary trouble that will make yourself look bad infront of your other superiors.

    Consiquences will be given out to whom ever disrespects or does not properly listen to a non commissioned officer. These consiquences must be obeyed and respected just as much as the non commissioned officer. Further punishments will be given out to you if these are not followed to every specific detail. Some people say that you should give respect to everyone. Other people say that respect should be earned. I think that respect is a two way street. To get respect you have to give respect. Respect is neither a right nor a privilege.

    It is something that you earn over time through your actions. though in the army it is expected of all lower enlisted to respect in what i would call the new definetion of the word with is a type of fear that is implanted into the new soldiers. Earned respect builds a stronger relationship between people, can be more specific then demanded respect, and is more stable than demanded respect. Also, true respect must be built on experience, and therefore it is not right to just demand it. Earned respect builds relationship between people.

    When another person earns your respect you work harder to have that same respect returned to you. I think that respect is taught by example, as most good things are. The main thing is to treat other people how you would like to be treated and treat them how they treat you. Most people, when treated decently will treat others the same way. Thats just not the way it has ever turned out in my time in the military. Its almost as if your not allowed to disagree with anyone higher ranking with you in the army. You cant be right and they cant be wrong.

    Their punishments need to be followed so that you can show that you can follow orders and so that they can see you do the right thing to make up for what you did wrong. A good non commissioned officer will want to see you push back and recover from your slip up and not set you back up for failure. They would motivate you and maybe even go out of their way to make an effort to help guide you back onto the right track. When you dont get this, you feel like your not worth it or going anywhere. Unmotivated and unworried of the standards or consequences.

    It doesnt help when you know the non commissioned officer himself doesnt do the right thing. Or is unhappy and takes his anger out on everyone else around him. It would be difficult to respect that. Not following the punishments will further dig you a hole, a hole that you will not even care to climb back out of because theres nothing really worth sticking around for when you do. Sometimes its hard to respect someone when you know you just flat out dont really see eye to eye with them. You can try but things just dont always end up for the best sometimes.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why It Is Important to Respect an Nco Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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