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    Why I Want Learning Philosophy in Professional MBA Program

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    As an advisor with both immediate challenges and wide organizational influence, I am particularly drawn to the action learning philosophy of the Fogelman College – Professional MBA program. I am eager to transform my own mind and create immediate positive impact across my organization. I am inspired by the experiences of current students who implement their new learnings when they return to the office on Mondays. I am eager to do exactly that. My business is significantly more complex today than it was in the beginning when we provided a simple set of tools to small teams. Today, we are a multinational organization that provides tools and training to large enterprises seeking to implement Lean transformations of sophisticated processes in IT operations and multiple other industries. Throughout this journey, I have constantly challenged myself and my organization to learn, grow, and change. I seek to participate in this program as another step in my personal commitment to learning and adapting to the needs of the future. Now is the moment of maximum impact, whereby my organization and customers will be most receptive to, and benefit the most from, lessons and experiments that I intend to bring back and implement.

    As a shareholder that has negotiated a significant amount of angel and institutional investment, I am keenly aware that my investors seek a positive return on their investment. I seek to prepare not only for the immediate needs of growth and complexity, but also for the mid-to-long term opportunities that may accompany that growth, such as a change of control, a liquidity event, or an opportunity to integrate my teams into a larger vision.

    As a community leader, I seek to bring what I learn from the program back home and share it widely. I aim to broaden my understanding of business practices and theory beyond my focused experience in tech so that I may maximize the value of what I pass along to the aspiring entrepreneurs, technologists, and leaders in my community who, with ever increasing frequency, honor me by seeking my guidance and assistance.

    Similarly, I have a strong desire to share my experiences and the details of my company and my journey with my classmates. I understand how valuable it is to be completely transparent with a group of peers who are eager to learn and share. I am excited to share my successes and my failures with them, open my business to their scrutiny, and make my organization available any time it aids in the learning experience.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why I Want Learning Philosophy in Professional MBA Program. (2022, May 11). Retrieved from

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