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    Schneider Electric: An Emerging Market with Challenges

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    We live in a rapidly changing world, especially for global companies such as Schneider Electric. For Schneider Electric, in a short period, they have had to overcome challenging obstacles, remain competitive on the global stage, invest in new technologies, and ensure exponential growth. As a Schneider Electric employee, I know that no one can quickly adapt to these challenges and be the expert in everything – even a CEO himself; Therefore, some of the biggest issues that my company faces require qualified, prepared, professionals.

    In the last 4 years of my experience at Schneider Electric, I witnessed and observed various situations where I saw an MBA could help. An MBA will equip me with a set of skills to predict, manage, and correct particular problems at particular times and aid specify the best possible outcome. A few of the challenges I see Schneider Electric facing that are best addressed after obtaining an MBA include:

    1. Predicting the future: In 2014, Schneider Electric predicted, wrongly, a huge load of orders was coming in the next two years. The company started recruiting and training new employees to prepare for the load. In 2015, over 75% of the predicted load did not channel through Schneider; resulting in closing many regional sales offices, terminating a number of employees, and loss of revenues. Also, predicting market trends and customer orientation is pivotal to an evolving economy, but not every manager has predictive powers and skills. An MBA will help me learn how to analyzes the market, read important trends, and best prepare for the future.
    2. Simplify and Structure Hierarchies: Reduce redundant levels in Schneider Electric hierarchy. I came through an article published on the ‘Harvard Business Review’ where they analyzed the W.L. Gore company, one of the most successful firms in the world with over 10,000 employees, with basically three levels in their organizational hierarchy. An MBA would certainly help in this regard and implement something for Schneider Electric.
    3. Financial Management: Reducing the cost and be competitive can be one of the examples. Schneider Electric North America recently lost workforce and business due to lower wages and business cost in many other countries such as Mexico and China. In fact, understanding how the global economy works can help prevent this situation.
    4. Performance: Develop performance indicators that provide clear insights into the business. Many of our KPI’s and metrics are outdated and do not communicate to the chain of commands the best information for decision-making. I believe an MBA will help me rethink or at least initiate the change for better performance monitoring indicators.
    5. Loyalty development and Talent Acquisition: in 4 years, the Schneider Electric, Columbia, SC plant lost many of its talents. Many of those talents were new hires. As an MBA Student, I will learn how to attract and retain talent. To sum up, the MBA program at Texas A&M will change my way of thinking and provide insight to make business decisions. In an era where change is the new normal, the MBA program would help me, and my company build a solid foundation of knowledge in different domains where we can rethink our business models and read the future.

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    Schneider Electric: An Emerging Market with Challenges. (2022, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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