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    Why do people gossip? Essay (260 words)

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    Have you ever thought while you are gossiping’What am I doing?’?I’m sure that you have never thought about it.

    Humankind all gossip without being unaware of it..Actually,gossips are composed of comments shared with people.From that respect,it is an inevitable action.Because,we all need to share feelings and make comments.It is due to the human nature.

    Surely, there are some reasons for it.For example, we make gossip when we want to create a sense of intimacy among ourselves.While creating intimacy,we never think about scandalmonger people.First,we say our secrets and comments to a person.We share them without thinking any bad reason.Then,our wonderful!scandalmonger friend starts telling the news to others.

    As a second reason,I could say that we got used to gossip due to the magazine programs.They made us be inquisitive to all the things we have encountered.especially in our nation

    These programs have appeared in a very short time.For instance,weTurkish people watched ‘Televole’ and this kind of programmes at first.By watching it,we become familiar with gossips.Then,we started to watch BBG.After we had watched it,we went deeply into people’s private lifes.Finally, we have watched people’s quarrels live broadcasted on TV.Don’t you think these are enough for our curiosity?…

    In brief,I can say that gossip is not only people’s guilt but also media’s guilt.We should be more careful about this bad procession, try to escape from these programmes and these scandalmonger people..

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Why do people gossip? Essay (260 words). (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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